Friday, August 19, 2016

The Adventures of Arlee - Summer of 2016

This summer has been such a fun one for Arlee. He is growing up so quickly and learning something new everyday.  I thought it would be fun to share some of the highlights of his summer. He is 2 but quickly approaching 3. This summer his speech and communication really developed and he talks non-stop. We are still working on potty training . Occasionally he wears his "Choo-choo Choe" (Paw patrol) undies..he picked them out!!

Our normal routine is sleeping in, watching a cartoon while drinking milk, breakfast, (his favorite includes toast with jelly, banana, smoothie, banana cakes and cereal) then off for our daily walk to the little "creek" where we throw rocks and sticks!! Then...Playing outside, "wimming", driving his truck, playing inside with choo-choos and cars, fighting a nap and going to the piano studio.

Just a little recap of our Summer included.....

                           Lots of play time outside...

 Playing in the pool and in the sprinklers..

He spent lots of time climbing and playing up in his fort...we had the first 2 stories available for him but blocked off the 3rd. I wanted to wait until he was bigger to go that high...but he  figured out how to get up to the 3rd story. We quickly realized we could not keep him down so Lee very quickly build rails and a ladder so he could safely get up there...what a monkey!!

Arlee finding frogs..

Arlee learning how to climb trees...

He learned how to curl his hair....
                                Straighten his hair...
              And most importantly,
Okay, so obviously he needs more boy

His summer included lots of silly time.....
Lots of play time
He loves his "farmer" and he loves Buzz

                  His diaper was about to pop!!!

Playing in the water and then flooding the bathroom...

 Lots of time at the piano studio with momma...

And lots of projects with daddy......

Lots and lots of ice cream... "cream cream"

And lots of "corn- corn" 

He loves to crawl in my bed and watch a movie while I'm getting ready...

He fights nap time but it almost always wins...he plays hard and he sleeps hard...

And he has grown like a weed...

We bought some Land

As if we don't have enough on our plates, we decided to buy some land. 48 acres to be exact. It kinda just fell in our laps and we really wanted to grab the opportunity. My hubby has been wanting more land. Our house sits on an acre and this land is about 15 mins away. So, it's perfect for us...and who knows, maybe we will built my dream house here someday.....


He just could not handle all the excitement of the day and passed out in my arms!!

the Gates Girls- Sarah's Birthday

My SIL Jess and I wanted to do something special for Sarah, our other SIL, on her bday. About a year and a half ago she had twins, and as you can expect our girl time is few and far between. So, her mom watched the kiddos and we kidnapped her for some lunch, shopping and pedis. We may have even hit a yard sasle or I think I needed this day as much as the bday girl!!!

                Just waiting patiently for our pedis!

And of course, we ended the day with ice cream!!