Monday, January 28, 2013

P.I.N.K.= People In Need of Kindness

Once this thought began to burn upon my heart I spent several weeks and months putting it into a series of lessons. I have taught the lesson several times through out the years. I do not know whose life it may touch or where God will take this but I know He has a purpose for it and that is enough for me.

{Lesson 1}
 In order for our hearts to truly be ready to accept  the P.I.N.K. challenge, we must first have our hearts in tuned with the Lord. How can we really help others or see the needs that they have, if our eyes are not turned upon God. I believe that the first person on our KINDNESS list should be Jesus. JESUS?!?....what in the world do you mean. Of course I'm kind to HIM! I haven't cursed His name all day and I even told Him I loved him last night. While those things are great, that's not what I'm talking about. Kindness to Him, starting with the right relationship with Him. It's hard to live for Him and show Him the love he deserves if you have never trusted in Him as your Savior. I mean, start at the very beginning. Is he your Heavenly Father? While many people know who Jesus is and say "sure I believe in Jesus", "I know who Jesus is" or "Jesus was a good person", they have never asked Him to be the Lord of their life. Think on this for just a moment. Can you think of the time and place when you trusted in Him? The time when you nailed down your salvation? Not by being a good person or by doing good works but by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the first step to really truly taking the P.I.N.K. challenge. What is your relationship with Jesus? If you don't have one or your not sure what I am talking about I would be happy to share with you God's Word and what He says about salvation. The most precious gift in the world. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"
God loves you like no one else ever could. Isn't it time we showed Him all the Love and Kindness that He deserves?

PINK= People In Need of Kindness
One of my favorite engagement pics. Isn't he a cutie!!!

Friday, January 25, 2013



So what does P.I.N.K. mean. What lesson did God give me during all my trails and heartache. Well, not only did He teach me to look to HIM and not the situation. But HE also taught me that while my heart was so fragile during this time I yearned and I was desperate for people's kindness. I needed all the extra love and attention I could get. I admit I craved extra kindness from my family, friends and even strangers! It was then that I realized that most People are In Need of Kindness!! That is what this is all about People In Need of Kindness. Whether it is the teller at the bank, the telemarketer blowing up your phone, the lady in front of you at the check out line with a thousand coupons and sale adds or the person who stole your seat at church!! They all need kindness. From the waitress at the restaurant who messed up your order to  the kid who is throwing a complete temper tantrum in the store, they all need kindness! To the sister that has a  foot  a size and a half larger than yours and still borrows your shoes only to return  them so stretched out that you can never wear them again...KINDNESS!!! (oh so not But you get my point, we never know what people are going through. Most people hide behind a fake smile and misty eyes while pretending all is well in the world.Dying on the inside, begging for a little hope, peace of kindness. Just think, you may be the only ray of sunshine that person may see. So my challenge for myself and for anyone reading this is to be kind to anyone in your path. Smile a little extra and ask God to allow you to show someone who needs it the KINDNESS that HE would show!!! Good luck ladies, this is not always easy, but with God all things are possible!!!!

P.I.N.K = People In Need of Kindness

Me and the Hubs in Key West 2012

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The beginning


I felt led to start blogging. I'm not sure why because I am not a good writer!! But if you have ever had something pressing upon your heart and you try to ignore it, you know as well as I do, that it is impossible.While setting up this site, I learned I needed to know what direction I want this blog to go. Whether it was Fashion, Hair/Makeup, Cooking, Photography or even DIY, focus and promote that subject. Well, I have no idea. As much as I love all of the following I'm not sure that this blog will focus on just one thing. I have decided to just be obedient to the Lord and see where HE will take it.

My first thought, challenge and maybe ever series is on my favorite color PINK. I know sounds silly, but bare with me. I am going somewhere with this. PINK is often thought of as a feminine, soft, cheerful and fun color. I agree 100%. I am a girly girl and growing up I always had a pink room! I love wearing the color pink and it is even my favorite color in a beautiful sun set. That is actually  how all of this P.I.N.K came about. Several years ago, I had gone through a very rough time in my life.I could not see God's hand in my life. For the first time in my life,I began to doubt HIS love and His faithfulness to me.( I know..terrible, but honest!!!) I went to visit my parents for 2 weeks up in Illinois. It was during this visit while I was sitting in the back seat of their car, that I was looking out the window at the sun set. I was feeling very sorry for myself and began to ask God where He was. How could He forsake me when I needed Him most. My eyes began to water and then a soft voice answered back " I'm here!!! But get your eyes off yourself and on ME" WOW!!!! Did HE really just call me out like that?? Yes, HE did and at that moment I saw the most brilliant color of Pink that I had ever since in my life. It was in the same sunset that I had been staring at the whole time but in that moment I saw God's handiwork and oh boy!.. was it BEAUTIFUL!!! Peace began to engulf me and tears began to flow down my cheeks. God was there, in the sunset, in my troubled heart and in my trial. He had been there the whole time, I had just chosen not to see HIM. I had chosen to see only the situation. I had no idea what God was starting to do, but I decided in that moment to turn my eyes upon HIM. That is one of the most precious experiences that I have ever been through. Seeing God in my life and how HE touch my life by using HIS creation. When God does a work so big and so undeniable   you never forger it or get over it.During  the darkest time in my life,God put something wonderful in my heart and I hope you will join me on the journey...P.I.N.K.
Me and my Hubby in New Orleans 2012