Saturday, October 31, 2015

Fall Family Fun

I love all things fall related. The change in the air and the color of the leaves seems to bring on all  the excitement of holiday activities. Football,  smores,  bon-fires, hayrides, scarves,  pumpkins and apple cider! It is just the perfect opener to the holiday season. This year, my SIL hosted a family fun night and we got together for crafts and the city's trunk or treat. We had so much fun making pottery, dressing up and decorating pumpkins. Here are a few of my favorite pics.

                              A little photo shoot

                               Handprint pottery
                               The finished result
                  Costume time and Trunk or Treat
                                   The Scarecrow
                       I love Lucy and Little Ricky
                                The Safari  Family
 It tickled me how quickly he caught on to trick or treating. He shoved that  little bucket into everyone's face over and over. He didn't quite understand the  fact that once they give you the candy, you move on to the next trunk. ...poor little guy! But all the ladies loved him. He was such a sweetheart.
He heard a "Pane Pane" and got so excited! He had a wonderful night and got  lots of "canny" This was the beginning of the Holidays. ...Woo hoo!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rustic Bling: Play day

Rustic Bling: Play day: I hosted my first playday. The kids played hard and the mommies enjoyed grown up talk! I learned several things from this experience and tho...

Rockin at the Studio

I teach at a piano from my house and I also teach at a studio 2 days a week. The days I go into town my little feller comes  with me and his daddy picks him up. There are rare occasions that daddy is running late and little feller gets to hang out with me. He loves this. He has had such an interest in music from day  one. Whether it  is singing, music,  radio or playing the piano. I hope his interest becomes a love for music and he will develop a talent for it.
Yesterday,  he got to hang out with me because daddy was stuck in traffic and my student was running late. So,  me and the little man explored the studio. He had a great time and I think he looks like a natrual. I'm ready to sign him up for guitar but maybe that's a little early for a 2 yearv old!
Is he not just the cutest!

I absolutely love this  picture! Who showed him to  stand like that!!!!! Little Rock Star or Worship Leader :)

Sunday, October 25, 2015


My SIL Jessica and I loaded up the Lil man and headed out shopping.  Our first stop was the mall.  It had been quite a while since I had been. So, imagine my surprise when Arlee instantly started yelling "choo-choo" to the top of his little lungs the second we walked in the door! I looked around and didn't see or hear any trains so I was confused at his excitement. We started out little shopping adventure and rounded the corner to see way off in the distance a small train parked and loading up passengers. Of course, Arlee immediately noticed it and started pointing and  yelling "choo-choo
I then remembered that the mall had this little train and months ago I  had pointed it out to Arlee.  He did not ride it nor had he seemed to give it much thought. It absolutely amazed me that he remembered it!
We tried to continue our shopping but that was a little challenging. So, I decided not to torture the Lil toddler , it was time for a ride. My goodness was he excited! He jumped out of his stroller and darted as fast as his little get would go to the train, leaving me behind. He ran straight up to the caboose and stepped right in. His excitement was priceless!

The top picture is what my normal pics of Arlee look like. No smiles and being all pictures of the other two are rare and just precious to this momma!!!..we had a great ride. He started off in my lap waving at people and giggling. Then he moved over to sit in his own seat across from me. I could tell by the look on his sweet little face he was having the time of his life (and so was I)
I love making memories and nothing melts my heart more than seeing his happy heart smiling away!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

What is in your Hand?

It simply amazes me how we can read a
verse from the Bible several times then one day it just pops out  at  you and you  have an Aww moment. For years I have made it a daily  routine  to read a chapter in Proverbs. There are just so many gold nuggets in this Book.
Well,  yesterday I came across Proverbs 3:27.

"Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it."

This verse is very familiar to me but it had never hit my heart like it did yesterday. So I thought I might share what God gave me.

1. It's in the power of my hand  to do  good to others

God has given each of us a special gift of "good" to share with others. It may be words of encouragement, the ability to financially help someone or the gift of time that you can share with a lonely person. Whatever God has put in your hand He wants you to use it for the good of others.

2. Someone is due that good

God had appointed someone for me to do good to.  The verse says "to them that are due". I pray I'm not too busy to overlook the person that God puts in my path! Sometimes we simply miss the opportunity to do good cause we do not take the time to see it.

3. It's ultimately my choice what I will do with my hand.

God wants to use each of us,  but He will never force us. I can open my hand wide and offer as much good as God allows or I can close my hand up tight into a fist. The choice is mine, the choice is yours.
I pray we each choose to open our hand and do good. Whatever that good is. Whether it is Kindness to the cashier at Walmart,  paying for the person's meal behind you  in the drive-thru,  visiting a nursing home  or baking cookies for a neighbor.
Don't withhold the good that is in your hand.
Let God use you in amazing ways so He can be glorified

This is the sweetest picture of a hand I could find. It was taken during Trunk Or Treat last week. I did not know if was even on my phone!  My heart melted when I saw it! We were Lucy and Little Ricky

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Little Boys and Tractors

A friend generously offered to take professional pictures of the kiddos in our play group. She was taking the pictures at a local pumpkin patch. I was thrilled. Who doesn't want fall pictures of their little pumpkins. I immediately went to Arlee's closet and picked out  overalls a cute plaid shirt and the sweetest little hat. I began imagining how his picture would turn out.  This girl has mad skills and I knew she would capture the most precious picture of my little man. However,  my excitement was soon ended when I was loading up the car and noticed there was NO CAR SEAT!  The car-seat had been left in my hubby's truck. My heart dropped to the floor as I realized the reality of the situation. I may or may not have cried.  To say I was  devastated would be a complete understatement. I sent my friends a quick message to let them know I would not be making it after all. I tried not to pout or play the blame game.  What good would it do! I tried to  trust that it was not an accident but that God might be protecting me.
The next day when I saw the amazing photos of those sweet kids it was like a dart in my heart.
Sometimes,  there are opportunities that come up,  they seem great and wonderful but for some reason they are not meant for  you. Instead of getting bitter look for the better!
A day later another opportunity presented itself and it was meant for me. I took full  advantage of this opportunity. This opportunity was a tractor, in my yard! I quickly dressed Arlee in the clothes that had been laid out for the pumpkin patch, grabbed my camera and snapped away. This photo shoot was a blast. The neatest thing about this opportunity is that right now, in this stage of Arlee's life he is obsessed with tractors. "Crack-or" as he calls it.  I know  this will be a special treasure. I am not a professional photographer. And yes, obviously I would have loved the professional pictures. But maybe if I had just had Arlee's picture taken I would not have been so in tuned with the  idea of a photo shoot and totally missed this opportunity. The opportunity was  meant for me, and it was perfect for Arlee. This was our Better!

Little Boys and Tractors:

What a sweet moment that I can hold on to forever.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What is your sign?

Several years back I read a life-changing book "Redbird, Rubies and Rainbows" by the amazing Marlene Evans. This remarkable Christian lady had the gift of positive thinking and of living life with purpose. She  encouraged  ladies everywhere to see God's love and His hand in our mundane, everyday life. I believe her life goal was to challenge ladies to really know God's love.  The interesting fact about this sweet lady is that she was fighting cancer and fought it for years! But you would not know! Her love for God was so inspiring.
She challenge ladies to find a sign,  or a symbol and each time you saw your sign/symbol you would remember how much God loved you! Her signs were redbirds, rubies and rainbows!
You may wonder at the purpose of this. You may think it silly and unnecessary.
Well, a sign is there to tell you what is ahead, Which way to go,  what to expect.
It's a gentle reminder of what you may already know.

We know God loves us!  So why the need of a sign? Well if you are anything like me we need reminders! I am a very task oriented person. I love making list just to see the items being crossed off. I love the feeling of goals being accomplished. I can get so busy doing things throughout my day that I sometimes never slow down to see God's love or His work in my life.
This wonderful challenge allowed me to see the simple ways God can reach out and tell me He loves me. Yes,  I know He loves me but how refreshing it is to be reminded.
Many of you already practice this regularly. I have heard of wonderful symbols like an anchor or butterflies. I heard a story of how a lady used  coins she would pick up off the ground to be a reminder of God's love and how she can Trust in God. Whatever your sign is, allow it to fill you with the unmeasurable and undeniable love that God has for you
Maybe you have never given this a try or considered using a sign to be a reminder. May I encourage you to give it a try!  We all need reminders of God's love.
My signs are deer,  falltime, and Charming Charlies!  Okay not really Charming Charlies, but if you know me you know that this store was made for me.  Everytime I step foot in that blessed store the angelic choir starts singing and everything starts shining and sparkling in the most heavenly way!  I feel all warm and giddy inside and I  think  to myself that this must be what Heaven is like!!!
Okay,  all kidding aside. Just the simple things like a sweet little deer or the crisp air in the fall are my "I love you's" from my Heavenly Father. My other special sign is answered prayers. I just can't think of anything more special or spectacular than knowing God loves me  enough to hear my request and then answer them in His way and in His timing. No matter how big or small they may be.
May we all slow down a bit a see God's love! Pick a sign and let Him show His love to you.
Now,  Will you share your signs with me?
 I would love to hear from you and your own  wonderful stories!

Monday on our walk, God started to lay this post on my heart so I took a picture of the sign on the road (The very first picture up at the top) Then on Tuesday as we were walking look what was right next to the exact sign? An accident, coincidence??!!..haha.  I think not.
By thev way, I picked deer cause my middle name is Fawn. Guess I was my Daddy's "little dear"!!

Monday, October 12, 2015

When God writes your Love Story

For years I tried writing my own fairy tale-ish love story. I dreamed up my own happily ever after.  I added my own princely character. But before long the plot and the climax fell apart, leaving me frustrated and heartbroken!  I put my pencil down in devestastion and wondered what it would be like if God wrote my love story. I remember as if it were yesterday, the day I finally gave my pencil over to God and asked Him to become the Author. It  was in that moment when I let all my expectations  go, that God was able to begin the most beautiful story!
You see,  sometimes we have to let go of our dreams, so God can have His perfect way. Not that dreams or standards are wrong but sometimes we limit God.
For years I had told God what I wanted and how I thought my story should go. But my ways were not His ways nor my thoughts His thoughts. I could have never dreamed up all He had in store for me and all the happiness that would be involved.
As a young girl,  my mom had told me stories of how she knew from the first time she laid eyes on my dad that this was the man she would marry. I dreamed of that!  I wanted to experience the undeniable feeling of Love at First sight. I had no idea that when I allowed God to  have the pencil and write in the main character of my story, that He would be so creative to add that dream into my story! Each detail and each word had been precise and perfect. God has written each chapter beautifully.
Everyone has their own story!  Each chapter is different and handwritten by God. Never compare!  Cherish your unique and original best seller!
Maybe your story did not begin with God, it's never too late to give Him the pencil!
Maybe your love story had not started and you are  impatiently waiting for it to begin! May I encourage you to wait on God. His timing is workout error!!
I am now several chapters into my love  story and  I'm so thankful that I finally quit erasing and rewriting my own story and trusted God to write a best seller that would last a life time.
Thank you Lee for a wonderful 6 years and for  being the man of my dreams. Only God could have put our story together! I am so blessed and look forward to everything God has in store for our little family.  Happy Anniversary!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Play day

I hosted my first playday. The kids played hard and the mommies enjoyed grown up talk! I learned several things from this experience and thought I might share them.
1. Keep food simple and easy.
The kids are more excited about playing and being in a new environment than they are about slowing down and eating a cute dish you slaved over.
2. Don't put to much emphasis on a spotless house.
I'm a little OCD when I have company come over so this is hard for me!  But honestly no one is checking the cabinets, closets or drawers. Have a clean, kid friendly house and you are good to go!
3. Crafts are great but in reality, they never turn out the way Pintrest shows.
I love being creative and making crafty keepsakes. But do not have high expectations! You will be disappointed.
4. Put you child's expensive, favorite toys up in a safe place.
I did not do this and we did not have any issues,  but the other mommy's shared this helpful hint. If it's something you don't want broken...hide it!
5. I learned my 2 year old has "only child syndrome" and does not like to share! If anyone has any advice on this subject, please feel free to chime in. (Not sure I am able to give him a sibling so that may not an option)
6. Do crafts early! Once they have played hard and the sugary snacks have kicked in, they tend to get a little extra fussy and grumpy and do not want to cooperate.
7. Play days make great nap days.
I had no problem putting the Lil firecracker down for his nap. He was exhausted and more than willing to head to his bed!

If you have any other points or advice from hosting a playdate, please share. I would love to hear your experiences, wisdom or stories.
I had a wonderful time and look forward to our next one.
Below is a picture of the craft we did ( most of it  was done after everyone left and Lil man passed out into a coma (nap)'s cute huh!)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


When I began decorating our 4 bedroom 2 bath fixer upper, I relied heavily on Goodwill and clearance racks. We did not start of with a lot of furniture or decorations.  I vividly remember the day I found my bathroom mirror. It was like finding a diamond in the rough. A true treasure. It was the piece that brought the final touches together. It was a fun and simple project. I painted the mirror and gave it a distressed look. I fixed it up and covered all the nix and dents. I loved the the mirror and the end result.

 While I love the mirror and how perfectly it compliments the bathroom, I do not always like what I see in the reflection. Sure, there are several things I can do on the outside. I can fix-up and cover up any blemishes. But what about what's going on deeper. What about what is going on in the inside? What is my heart reflecting? Do my reactions reflect God?

For years I have heard the saying "You can not control the actions of others. But you can control your reactions." While I believe this to be true, I do not always live like I believe it. It is usually after I raise my voice, cross my arms across my chest, clench my teeth, roll my eyes, stomp down the hall and slam the door that the shame and guilt set in and I think, Well I could have handled that differently.
My reaction did not reflect God at all. 
Nope, Failed that opportunity. That was more along the behavior of my 2 year old son when he is told NO!
Whether we react in a temper tantrum or the silent treatment; are we honoring God in our reactions?
Surely God understands that I am human and I get angry blow up sometimes. It's just who I am and besides, He made me. It's not like it's my fault that by button gets pushed one to many times and then I snap.
Ever had this argument with yourself or God, trying to justify your behavior? Yes, God gave us emotions. He understands we get angry but He also commands that we be angry and sin not. While this may seem absolutely impossible God never gives us a command that He does not follow up with instructions and hope.
James 4:8 says, "Draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you." The closer we draw to Him the closer He will draw us to Him. I love this hope and promise. The closer we get to Him the more like Him we will become. The more time we spend in His Word the more we will resemble Him. Galatians 5:22-23 shares some of His wonderful characteristics that He wants us to have. It is a list of the Fruits of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, meekness, faith and temperance (which is self- control) Yep, there it is. Ouch! God wants and expects His children to resemble Him and have self-control.
In 1 Corinthians 13:7  we are challenged to have charity and to bear all thing and endure all thing. The powerful words of Psalms 119:165 says "Great peace have they which love thy law: and NOTHING shall offend them"
Those are some mighty bold words. However, they are not mine they are God's. He said, if you are getting offended and your feelings are getting hurt; instead of pointing the finger at the other person look in the mirror and realize you do not love my law. Wow! How convicting is that.
If you do not love something, it is because you do not spend any time with it. You are not invested into it. That is what God is saying. You are not spending time with me, you are not invested in me. You have your eyes on the situation and not me.
Maybe you have a different reactions due to an entirely different situation. Sickness may have you defeated, loneliness might have you drowning in depression. The loss of a loved on may have you struggling for a purpose to live. Not being able to bear children may have you consumed with bitterness or extreme insecurities may have you chained up in bondage. No matter what you are going through dear friend, we all have hope. While all of our struggles may be different, all of our reactions can be the same. How? By choosing to let our reactions reflect God. May we choose to bring Him glory in all of our actions and reactions.
Do my reactions reflect God or do reactions reflect the lack of time I have spent with God?
What does your reflection say? I challenge you to look in the mirror, take a deep look and ask yourself, Do my reactions reflect God?

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Zoo

When I was a teacher we would take the kids to the zoo  every year. I don't know who enjoyed it more...the kids are the adults! There are just some  simple pleasures in life you never grow out of. As much as I enjoyed it then, it just doesn't compare to the joy I had watching my son this year.
The hubs and I decided we wanted to make it a yearly tradition to take Arlee every year for his birthday. We went last year but he was only one and was more interested in watching people from his stroller,  than noticing the animals that we would try to point out.
But this! What a difference.
We invited my husband's siblings to come along. I had shirts made for Arlee and twin cousins. They were just too cute.
From the moment we stepped foot into the zoo he was fascinated! It was so precious watching him take it  all in. He was on overload by the end of the day.
I had gotten him the kid leash for this event, and boy did it come in handy! He took right off to the fountain and bridge. He immediately noticed other children in the water. So of course, he his little mind told him that v was were he was suppose to be as well. Nope! I couldn't let him stay the trip soak and wet. I only had one extra set of clothes,  and no towel (note to self for next year. Bring towel and swimming clothes)
However, I let him take his shoes off and walk in the water. But I kept him on a very sorry leash.
We then ventured  away from the v water and v the v temptations of jumping in and  checked out the lions and tigers. He kept pointing calling out to them "titty titty" and "e-ow, e-ow". To which they all just ignored him. POOR FELLER!
He would have been happy as a lark with the cats but  his fun was interrupted by the loud sound of a horn blowing and a train a-chuggin.
That was the end of those animals. It was all about the train. He literally froze in amazement at the sound of a real live train and screamed choo-choo. He then took  off in the direction of the train pulling me behind. We all were so tickled by this. It took us a little bit of time to find the actual train station and I thought the poor toddler would just die before we could get there. Each time he heard that horn blowing he would screech out in excitiment "choo-choo"  "choo-choo" Finally, we made it and he had his first ride on a choo-choo! He loved it, to say  the least.
It was the first of many things that day. I took him on a little ride , mistake on my part! While he loved it,  I thought I would get sick!
Spinning around and around was not for me (Note to self #2  I will not be the parent who rides with her child at carnivals,  fairs,  Disney World,  6 flags. .and so on! )
He rode a camel with his Aunt Jessica.
Saw a Seal show.
And finally got to play in the fountain. He loves water.
He had a very blessed,  fun- filled day. I'm already looking forward to next year!