Monday, June 24, 2013

22-26 weeks

How far along? 26 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: At my Dr.'s visit on Thursday it was 20 pound...OUCH!!!

Maternity clothes?Yes...I feel like every time I get a descent little collection of clothes, I grow right out of them!!!! I am trying not to by anything else but to just wear the stitches out of what I have

Stretch marks? Have not seen any yet.

Symptoms: I have been feeling pretty good.

Sleep: I have been sleeping better, just getting up to use the bathroom

Best moment this week:
had some great moments!! Went to Nashville with Dexter and Sarah and we did some serious shopping...found lots of great baby deals.

 I also got to see my brother's little girls, they were in town. I haven't seen them since Christmas. So was extra fun. 
Lee is now able to feel Baby Boy Gates move around and that has been very EXCITING!!!!

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything?
I didn't do very well on my 1hour Glucose test, bummer, so I had to do the 3hour one..miserable.. my numbers were high but I didn't fail. The Dr. feels like diet and exercise will take care of it.  I have been watching my carbs and sugar (something I always did before I was prego) I feel better, however, I am still craving the carbs (everything POTATO...french fries!!!!) fast food and sugar. But I know it is for the best and was a blessing in disguise because I don't like to eat unhealthy and that is all I have done this pregnancy!!!

Movement: Oh yes...Little Man is all over the place. His long legs are kicking up a storm. I have even seen my belly move...that was WEIRD!!!...LOL

Food cravings: I was on a pita/hummus phase, now it back to fast food fries (cause I am not letting myself eat them and it's all I want)

Anything making you queasy or sick: not really anything

Have you started to show yet: LOL

Baby is a:  Little Man

Belly Button in or out? Still in.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time:  I think happy, my Hubby may not agree..LOL!!! I would say just tired.

Looking forward to: getting through this HOT summer :)

What I'm reading:
can't remember the name but it is the WEEK by WEEK of pregnancy and that has been really fun to keep up with. We also watch a weekly u-tube video of babies growth progress.

Here are some pics:
 These 2 are from today:
26 Weeks...Baby Boy Gates is the size of a Head of Lettuce
  24 Weeks...Baby Boy Gates was the size of a Cantaloupe

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 weeks (tomorrow 22 Weeks)

Total weight gain/loss: I have not weighed in a couple of weeks

Maternity clothes? Yes.... I can not wear any of my regular clothes now, not even by biggest shirts!! My friend Marianne and I went shopping and I found several cute things and they were all on sale...YAY!!!

Stretch marks? Not any yet, however I am noticing light blue veins on my stomach.

Symptoms: Other that the pain that comes and goes with my large tumor (fibroid) everything else seems okay. I was back on the medicine and rest a few days last week, but feel better now.

Sleep: Some nights are good and other are rough. The position of the tumor makes it hard to get comfortable.

Best moment this week: At 20 weeks we had the gender reveal party. I was amazed by all the love and support we had!!! My Parents came in from out of state and surprised me!!! My husband was thrilled to find that his Team Blue won, we are having a boy!!!! {Thus the blue writing this}

  My Parents were on the Blue Team. The have 2 granddaughters and are ready for a grandson....they are showing of the stickers for the Blue Team.

And me and mom spent my first mother's day together. First time I have been with her on Mother's Day in YEARS!!!! It was very nice.

We also put the baby furniture together before the party so family and friends could see the nursery. It use to be the Paris Guest Room. So we left all those decorations up (I was hoping it would help out with having a girl....but it will all go and Ole Miss Baseball comes in) Yes, Molly had to try it out!!!!!

 Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Sleeping and exercising!!!

Movement: Yes, the first signs of movement was at night after work. I had a very long and busy day and I was hurting due to the tumor. I was sitting in my "NEW RECLINER" with my feet up
, holding the bottom of my stomach, trying to relieve some of the pressure of the tumor. When all of a sudden I felt the tumor move. I waited a second, confused as to why my whole hand had just moved and why the tumor was moving when it moved again. Then it hit me, BABY BOY was kicking my tumor!!! I didn't know if I should laugh or cry cause of the pain. I was happy that he was moving but of all places to kick!!! Since then I have felt him move around, it has been exciting to feel those little feet and little arms moving around.

Food cravings: Doritos Chips make me happy 

Anything making you queasy or sick:
Not as far as food goes. I do still have acid reflux and heart burn from time to time.

Have you started to show yet: Yes, and people give me the the "AW!!! Poor Girl" look or say "Girl you are going to die this summer!!!"...yes, I know :)

Looking forward to:starting to decorate  the baby's room!!! and I would like to schedule my maternity pics soon, that way I'm not to HUGE and hot and  miserable to enjoy taking pics.

Baby Boy Gates is now the size of a Banana

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

15 Weeks

How far along? 15 Weeks today...tomorrow..16 Weeks..YAY!!!

Total weight gain/loss: I'm trying not to

Maternity clothes? Yes. I went to a consignment sell this weekend and loaded up on dresses, bottoms and tops. They were mostly from Motherhood Maternity!!!! I was really excited. I love to find bargains and this was like a gold!!!!

Stretch marks? not yet, I'm faithfully bathing in my coca butter...if anybody has any other suggestions, I'm all ears

Symptoms: Lower back aches and I'm tired in the evenings.

Sleep:  Not going good, toss and turn, but that is due to my ever growing fibroid and the position it is at.

Best moment this week:
going shopping with Robin and finding all those maternity clothes!!!!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything?
I grew up playing sports and have always been active with exercise. This time of year when the weather is so pretty, I just want to break into a run....but that is not happening. I tried to walk a mile on Sunday and nearly died of exhaustion!!!!!

Movement: Not yet...hopefully soon

Food cravings: Subways 6inch tuna sub!!!! YUM.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Brushing my teeth...I gag every time.

Have you started to show yet:  Yes, there is no question I am PREGOS!!!!!

Baby is a:  not sure yet

Belly Button in or out? Still in.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time:  1st trimester I was more pouty than anything
. I don't like feeling sick. It shuts me down. Now I feel good and more like myself. I am able to eat healthier and have a little more energy!! for the most part I would say HAPPY!!!!

Looking forward to: Feeling the baby and our Gender Reveal Party!!!!

What I'm reading: Baby Wise and What to Expect when your Expecting
....I am having a hard time reading though. Which is so strange for me...I am a Book Worm. I am trying to first make sure I read my Bible. I am reading 11 Kings.

Baby Gates is the size of an APPLE:
Molly wanted to be a part of the picture...she is so sweet!!!! Oh, I look pail  and washed out cause I had not put on my lipstick....FASHION NO NO..don't tell Lindy!!!!!

Thank you for taking the time to read. If you have any comments or advice please feel free to write :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

14 Weeks

How far along? 14 weeks (I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow!!!)

Total weight gain/loss: 5lbs as of today!!... I know it looks like alot more, but that is due to my good ole friends the fibroids.. I have 7 and they are growing with the baby!!

Maternity clothes? I am in maternity clothes but can wear some of my dresses still

Symptoms: Lots of acid reflex and heart burn, lower back discomfort if I sit a lot, more shortness of breath if I am moving around a lot 

Sleep: not sleeping well :(... I can't get comfortable and I have to go to the bathroom several times during the night. Oh and I am HOT, HOT and more HOT. Even with a fan blowing straight on me.

Best moment this week: Easter Sunday. I wore my first maternity dress that I purchased. ( I have been borrowing my friends clothes!!)

Miss Anything? sleeping thru the night and working out at the gym. I just don't have the energy to exercise like I use to!!!

Movement: Not yet...can't wait!!!!

Food cravings: spicy fries and fruit

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really anymore

Have you started to show yet: Most definitely!

Belly button in or out: still in and hoping it stays that way!!

Have you told the family: Yes...they all know

Gender of the baby: Don't know yet, but we are planning the gender reveal party!!!

Baby Room: Still waiting to find out the gender before I get started. I do have my themes picked out though!!!!

Baby Names: Girl- Tabbitha Faye
                        Boy- Robert Lee after his daddy...not sure what we will call him though!

14 Weeks and Baby Gates is the size of a bad my belly isn't....haha!!!!!

I found several of these comfy dresses....I will be living in these this summer!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

13 Weeks

(This is a few days behind, So I can recap the Week )

Size of the Baby: baby is the size of a lime

Maternity Clothes: Oh Yeah!!!!

Stretch marks: none

Weight gain: too much!!

Sleep: Toss and Turn and have to use the bathroom a million times thru out the night

Best Moment of the Week: Birthday Club  went to the Butcher Shop in Memphis 

Food Cravings: No cravings really, still getting over the food aversion hump. But definitely loving that I can eat most foods now!

Gender: Not yet.

Belly Button in or out: In

Anything making you queasy or sick: Certain smells get me at times.

What I miss:
My jeans, Salads and

What I am looking forward to: finding out the gender of the baby

Nursery: Got the baby bed and changing table!!!!

Emotions: Pretty good, I think :) 

(This is our Birthday Club)

 My 13 week Dr. visit

First comes Love, then comes Marriage then comes a Baby.....

A couple  of years ago my hubby and I were told we may not be able to have children. Of course, we were disappointed but we both decided that what ever God had for us in our marriage was His perfect plan. We made a decision to put it into God's hand and trust Him. If we couldn't have children, then we would be the happiest married couple around. Maybe later down the road we would even consider adoption. Deep down though, I still long to be a mother. I didn't talk about it and for the most part we just told people we were happy not having children. But then, I would hear of another friend that was expecting  their 2nd or 3rd child.I would have a little sinking feeling in my heart knowing  I may never get to experience the same joy for myself. For the most part, I had peace and contentment, but to say I never dreamed or long to be a mother would be a lie. So, I began to ask God to take the desire away...but, He didn't!! Instead the longing seemed to increase. My heart even began to break because I had so much love that I wanted to share with a little one. This went on for a couple of years. Finally, my hubby and I decided it was time to get the final verdict from my OBGYN. If I could not have children then we would start looking into adoption. We set an appointment but it was 6 months down the road. About 3 weeks before my set Dr. visit I started noticing some strange things going on with my body. I thought there was something wrong with me.My hubby also noticed some changes and was very concerned. We both decided I needed to go to the family doctor. My hubby mentioned that perhaps I should take a pregnancy test to rule that option out. I told him no way!!! That would just make me more upset seeing that is was negative. However, my husband is not one to give up. So, finally I took one. Immediately, it showed POSITIVE!!!!! Could this be the reason I had been sick? A visit to my family Dr. confirmed that yes, indeed, this is why I had been sick and had experienced changes in my body. I left  the Dr. feeling shocked and overjoyed. I called my OBGYN and told her I needed to change my visit to a prenatal visit. She couldn't believe it. She told me that it was a miracle! Yes, it is!!! I love it when God does the impossible. He is still in the miracle working business!!!!!
 This is me at the family Dr.'s office. I was 5 weeks
This is me at 7 weeks....I started showing very quickly!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

P.I.N.K.= People In Need of Kindness

{lesson 2}

This lesson may be a little harder. In Lesson One we talked about our kindness to the Lord. It's not that hard to be kind and loving to our Savior, we all want to love Him more.But as we challenge each other in P.I.N.K there is someone we often forget about and often neglect. The person in the mirror!!! Yes, ME, MYSELF and I....what?? Be nice to me (that's not hard). Really,?...okay, have you ever said something negative about yourself, or been frustrated at yourself for making a mistake.Is there something you have not forgiven yourself, well  how about comparing yourself to a friend, co-worker or family member?...ouch!! If your like me, you already know it's easier to be kind and forgiving to just about every one else except me. Growing up, I always wanted to be someone else. The girl who was sweet and smart.(You know, the girl that the teacher's always bragged on) The girl who had the gorgeous hair and extra long eye lashes. The girl that all the guys liked. The one that had the perfect clothes, family, car and talent.The girl that seemed to have it all!!!! You know her, we all went to school with that girl. She was the girl we all wanted to be. We would spent most of our time trying to be her, dress like her, do our hair like her maybe even laugh like her. We just wanted to be someone else, anybody else other that our own self. Truth is,we wanted that because we were not happy with who we were.  We didn't like our hair, the color of our eyes, the size of our hips or maybe even our clothes.We were young and had not learned to embrace who we were yet. Man, school days were hard!!! But what is truly sad is that the same insecure school girl still lives in many of us today. Always comparing ourselves with someone else. This is not how God wants us to live our lives. He wants us to be confident Christian Ladies who live empowered lives for Him. But we can't do this if we hate who we are and are constantly comparing our-self to what everyone else has.Maybe it's not your looks you struggle with, maybe it's your home, your job, your children (lack of children)or the influence you have over people. We as women can get jealous over ANYTHING. I believe this is one of the biggest weapons that the Devil uses against women. We can not be truly surrendered in our lives and in our hearts when we secretly envy someone else.Lets all examine our lives and see if there is anything holding us back. Don't let Satan use jealousy, envy and insecurity to rob us from living a wonderful life.One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to thank God for who we are and live the life He has given us!
I will be sharing some of the steps that God gave me that helped transform me from an insecure jealous  girl to a confident happy lady.    Not saying my life is perfect or with out flaw...I still have the same hair, eye-color and hips that I had back then. I have just learned to embrace them.
Enjoying Key West-2012

Monday, January 28, 2013

P.I.N.K.= People In Need of Kindness

Once this thought began to burn upon my heart I spent several weeks and months putting it into a series of lessons. I have taught the lesson several times through out the years. I do not know whose life it may touch or where God will take this but I know He has a purpose for it and that is enough for me.

{Lesson 1}
 In order for our hearts to truly be ready to accept  the P.I.N.K. challenge, we must first have our hearts in tuned with the Lord. How can we really help others or see the needs that they have, if our eyes are not turned upon God. I believe that the first person on our KINDNESS list should be Jesus. JESUS?!?....what in the world do you mean. Of course I'm kind to HIM! I haven't cursed His name all day and I even told Him I loved him last night. While those things are great, that's not what I'm talking about. Kindness to Him, starting with the right relationship with Him. It's hard to live for Him and show Him the love he deserves if you have never trusted in Him as your Savior. I mean, start at the very beginning. Is he your Heavenly Father? While many people know who Jesus is and say "sure I believe in Jesus", "I know who Jesus is" or "Jesus was a good person", they have never asked Him to be the Lord of their life. Think on this for just a moment. Can you think of the time and place when you trusted in Him? The time when you nailed down your salvation? Not by being a good person or by doing good works but by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the first step to really truly taking the P.I.N.K. challenge. What is your relationship with Jesus? If you don't have one or your not sure what I am talking about I would be happy to share with you God's Word and what He says about salvation. The most precious gift in the world. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"
God loves you like no one else ever could. Isn't it time we showed Him all the Love and Kindness that He deserves?

PINK= People In Need of Kindness
One of my favorite engagement pics. Isn't he a cutie!!!

Friday, January 25, 2013



So what does P.I.N.K. mean. What lesson did God give me during all my trails and heartache. Well, not only did He teach me to look to HIM and not the situation. But HE also taught me that while my heart was so fragile during this time I yearned and I was desperate for people's kindness. I needed all the extra love and attention I could get. I admit I craved extra kindness from my family, friends and even strangers! It was then that I realized that most People are In Need of Kindness!! That is what this is all about People In Need of Kindness. Whether it is the teller at the bank, the telemarketer blowing up your phone, the lady in front of you at the check out line with a thousand coupons and sale adds or the person who stole your seat at church!! They all need kindness. From the waitress at the restaurant who messed up your order to  the kid who is throwing a complete temper tantrum in the store, they all need kindness! To the sister that has a  foot  a size and a half larger than yours and still borrows your shoes only to return  them so stretched out that you can never wear them again...KINDNESS!!! (oh so not But you get my point, we never know what people are going through. Most people hide behind a fake smile and misty eyes while pretending all is well in the world.Dying on the inside, begging for a little hope, peace of kindness. Just think, you may be the only ray of sunshine that person may see. So my challenge for myself and for anyone reading this is to be kind to anyone in your path. Smile a little extra and ask God to allow you to show someone who needs it the KINDNESS that HE would show!!! Good luck ladies, this is not always easy, but with God all things are possible!!!!

P.I.N.K = People In Need of Kindness

Me and the Hubs in Key West 2012

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The beginning


I felt led to start blogging. I'm not sure why because I am not a good writer!! But if you have ever had something pressing upon your heart and you try to ignore it, you know as well as I do, that it is impossible.While setting up this site, I learned I needed to know what direction I want this blog to go. Whether it was Fashion, Hair/Makeup, Cooking, Photography or even DIY, focus and promote that subject. Well, I have no idea. As much as I love all of the following I'm not sure that this blog will focus on just one thing. I have decided to just be obedient to the Lord and see where HE will take it.

My first thought, challenge and maybe ever series is on my favorite color PINK. I know sounds silly, but bare with me. I am going somewhere with this. PINK is often thought of as a feminine, soft, cheerful and fun color. I agree 100%. I am a girly girl and growing up I always had a pink room! I love wearing the color pink and it is even my favorite color in a beautiful sun set. That is actually  how all of this P.I.N.K came about. Several years ago, I had gone through a very rough time in my life.I could not see God's hand in my life. For the first time in my life,I began to doubt HIS love and His faithfulness to me.( I know..terrible, but honest!!!) I went to visit my parents for 2 weeks up in Illinois. It was during this visit while I was sitting in the back seat of their car, that I was looking out the window at the sun set. I was feeling very sorry for myself and began to ask God where He was. How could He forsake me when I needed Him most. My eyes began to water and then a soft voice answered back " I'm here!!! But get your eyes off yourself and on ME" WOW!!!! Did HE really just call me out like that?? Yes, HE did and at that moment I saw the most brilliant color of Pink that I had ever since in my life. It was in the same sunset that I had been staring at the whole time but in that moment I saw God's handiwork and oh boy!.. was it BEAUTIFUL!!! Peace began to engulf me and tears began to flow down my cheeks. God was there, in the sunset, in my troubled heart and in my trial. He had been there the whole time, I had just chosen not to see HIM. I had chosen to see only the situation. I had no idea what God was starting to do, but I decided in that moment to turn my eyes upon HIM. That is one of the most precious experiences that I have ever been through. Seeing God in my life and how HE touch my life by using HIS creation. When God does a work so big and so undeniable   you never forger it or get over it.During  the darkest time in my life,God put something wonderful in my heart and I hope you will join me on the journey...P.I.N.K.
Me and my Hubby in New Orleans 2012