Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Hill Thanksgiving 2015

My family had the rare opportunity to enjoy an early Thanksgiving together. My hubby is a hunter and every year we head up to Illinois for a week. Since my parents live up there, it works out great! He drops me off at their house and he trots off into the woods.
We usually go about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. Due to everyone's schedules and all of us being so spread out,  we don't usually get together for Thanksgiving. But, this  year it worked out with everyone's schedule to come up and have an early Thanksgiving. It was a treat and sweet memories were made.

We spent the week having a Jane  Austin movie marathon. And Arlee watched anything Choo-choo. We watched Polar Express 3 nights in a row.  He watched the entire movie completely memorized. I had to go buy it for him that  week!

There was, of course, a shopping trip with the girls (and a yummy lunch). We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and each of the kiddos got their own iPad to play with...that  was a hit with Arlee, even though he had no idea how to use it. It kept him entertained and happy!..whoop whoop!

Wednesday evening church brought in a Tornado storm leaving us with no power. So we had fellowship (in the dark), a prayer meeting and ice-cream!

I love that Arlee wanted to be in this  picture... cutest photo bomber ever!

Thursday was our Thanksgiving meal.  It  simply amazes me how much time is spent preparing the meal and then how quickly  it is all over!

I adore this picture. It captures the whole trip for Arlee in a quick shot. He was Katey's shadow.  He absolutely loves her.  From the very first time he ever met her (at 3 months old) He was captivated by her. She could get him to giggle and smile like no one else.  She is so kind, patient and playful with him. I wish we lived closer and they could spend more time together. 

Sunday, all of us girls sang "I am so Blessed". It was a joy to sing with my neices.  They are growing up so much and have beautiful voices.
They are also learning the piano and doing great. I'm so proud of  the sweet young ladies they are becoming.

Arlee loved this candy box. When You pulled it open a little mouse would pop out.  He screamed every time, then he would giggle, yell "Eek Eek" (that's what he calls a mouse! ) and do it again and again.

After church, Jenny (my SIL) and I did a quick impromptu photo shoot of the cousins. The girls did great,  Arlee on the other hand didn't want to cooperate. (My child!) He is just like his daddy when it comes to a camera!
Katey though,  that little lady is quite the little model. She is a natural in front of a camera.  She loved posing and was so much fun to work with. She is so photogenic and easy to work with.
Then there was Kaylan. She is 15 and embarrassed and shy about  everything. (I'm sure she is dying even now,  as she is reading this!)
She is at the fun age of growing up which is sometimes sa
d for me  but I'm really enjoying her as a young lady.  She took gorgeous pictures, but in true teen nature, didn't like any of them.

 I'm pretty partial, but they are the prettiest girls ever.
They were also very helpful trying to get  Arlee to cooperate.  What do you do with a 2 year old that refuses to give up his suckers and sippy cup.
Oh well, we tried.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

When your "WHY GOD?" turns into "WOW GOD!"

Have you ever asked the question "Why God, Why Me"? Well if you are a human and your heart is beating then there's a  pretty good chance you have. No matter how great of a Christian you are or how much faith you have or how much you read the Bible; there just seems to be times in our lives that certain situations  bring us to our knees asking God "Why??"
 I  pretty much live my life with unwavering faith in God. I have a very optimistic personality and see the good in situations (most of the time) However, there have been heartbreaks, disappointments and struggles that have left me wondering "Why". Some of those situations, I can now look back on  and say "Oh, that is why, Thank you God" And then other situations have left me utterly amazed saying "Wow God!" Such is the time when God struck my heart with the  thought of how He alone can change our "Why God?" into "Wow God!"
 The day I was in the ER room  waiting for the DR to come back  in and confirm that my foot was indeed broken is a day that brings me to my biggest "Why God" moment. This dreadful day comes into my mind very clearly, every detail still raw and fresh as if it were just yesterday. My husband and I had been a terrible car wreck and had been transported to the hospital by ambulance. The guy who had hit us did not have insurance and was able to walk away with out any injuries. My husband's truck was totaled. We were blessed to be left alive.
 Once we had arrived at the hospital they immediately  took us separate ways. They took me in for several X-rays as I thought my foot might be broken. Then they brought me back to a room to await the DR, What seemed like a lifetime passed before he or anyone else ever came back into the room. The kind DR ( total sarcasm)  had absolutely no skills in the bedside manner department neither seemed to have any enjoyment in his job He quickly told me that my foot was not broken. He dryly told me that however during the CAT scan they discovered that I had several large tumors in my uterus that needed to be removed immediately. He asked me if I had any children. I was still a little stunned to answer, so I nodded my head no and wondered to myself if this meant I had cancer or if I was dying. He very abruptly told me that I would never be able to have children and that I needed to have a hysterectomy as soon as possible. I felt as if he had just kicked me in the gut and slapped me in the face  all at the same time. I couldn't breath and my foot that I just knew was broken was sending a sharp pain all the way to my heart. ( Or was my heart breaking from the news the DR had just given me) I was trying to concentrate on what the DR was saying but he was talking so fast and matter-of-factly  that the next thing I knew I heard him say, "Now do not ask me any questions, save those for your OBGYN" and he turned around and left just as quickly as he had entered. There I was alone, confused, shocked in terrible pain and not able to talk to anyone. The tears began to pour down my face as the words "You will not be able to have any children" rang in my ears over and over and over. I began to pray, then began to question God wondering "Why God?" It didn't seem fair and I couldn't understand how this could be happening to me. It was not in my plans and what about all of my dreams of being a mother. How would my husband of just a few years take this news. Where was my husband, when would I get to see him. How was he? Gracious, was he okay?
 Several hours later, he was released and  brought into my room. I was a total mess by that point! I explained to him what the DR had said. He was very supportive and encouraging. The poor guy had a broken arm and a broken foot but was far more concerned about me than his own pain and injuries. We were soon released to go home and start our recovery process.
 I later found out that my foot was indeed broken (ha!) I went through several weeks of painful physical therapy, so the news of my tumors were put to the back of my mind. But once my body had recovered and I  was healthy enough to visit my OBGYN she confirmed what the DR had said to be true. I had several large fibroid tumors and due to the location that they were in it would be impossible for me to have children. She also did not recommend me having them removed but recommended me to  have a hysterectomy when I was ready. My husband was there with me and could see the disappointment all over my face. When we left her office and were on our way home we decided that we would put the matter in God's hands. We promised each other that we would not become bitter but that we would be the happiest married couple in the world and serve God with our whole heart.
If you know me or have seen any of the post in my blog you know that this is not the end of my story. We lived by that. We were truly happy but I would be lying if I said I never question God or  that my heart did not long to be a mommy.  I still asked God "Why". But God does not have to explain why. He works in ways we can not understand. His ways are not our ways nor His thoughts our thoughts. God  loves to work with the impossible and loves to still preform miracles. In 2013 we found out that we were pregnant. When my son was born his DR and the hospital  named him the Miracle Baby. And he truly is. I was allowed to see a miracle in my life. God changed my "Why God" into "Wow God" I have been able to share my testimony several times with other ladies. I am able to give God the glory. Every time someone has mentioned how cute he is, I am able to share the fact that he is a miracle.
  Maybe you are going thru something to big for you. Your world had been rocked and your feet have been knocked out from under you. You feel as if you can not breath another breathe. Isn't wonderful that nothing is to big for God. The words of the child's song are very inspiring words for us to remember, "My God is so great, so strong and so mighty. There's nothing my God can not to".
 Maybe your "Why God" is your health or a financial struggle. Maybe your sorrow is causing a depression you can not get out of. Is it loneliness or rejection, heartbreak or disappointment. No matter if it is  your job, your family or your church that has left you pleading "Why God" just remember He is in control and NOTHING is too big for Him. Give Him the opportunity to change your "Why God into Wow God".

 A picture of my husband's truck. Most of the front end had been pushed into the truck and trapped him in. He had to be helped out of the truck.

 This picture was taken several weeks after the wreck. My broken foot and his broken arm and foot. We were quite the mess. Thank God for Wendy who took us in for several days and for my dad who came and stayed with us for 2 weeks. Neither of us could drive, work or take care of each other for quite awhile. It's the little things you take for granted!

Rustic Bling: When your "WHY GOD?" turns into "WOW GOD!"

Rustic Bling: When your "WHY GOD?" turns into "WOW GOD!": Have you ever asked the question "Why God, Why Me"? Well if you are a human and your heart is beating then there's a  pretty g...

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Fall Festival

A few months back, God laid a dream on my heart to start a Fall Festival at our church. I began to pray about the situation but was a little nervous that the idea might get shot down. I continued to pray about it and felt God leading me in this direction but was still hesitant to talk to my Pastor about  the idea.  I mentioned it to one of my friends. She shared that God had also been speaking to her about it and had been praying about it. We were shocked and excited all in the same moment. We knew God was definitely in the idea and knew it was time to take the next step and talk to our Pastor.
When we shared our vision with him,  he was thrilled and told us to organize it and meet back up with him.
My friend and I had both grown up in churches that had annual Fall Festivals, so  we had a pretty good idea of the direction we wanted to go. The plans began to fall into place. We met back with our Pastor  and soon presented the idea to our church. Our church family was eager to get on board with all the activities
We had a men's chili contest,  ladies cake decorating contest. There were booths,  games, a cake walk, hayride, bon-fire, a jail with a sheriff, face-painting, a photo booth and an amazing trunk or treat.
We knew we wanted to reach out to the community, so we started praying that  we would reach one new family through this ministry. We used several methods of advertiseing but we found that the best method was FB. The night of  the Fall Festival we were blown away by the goodness of God. We had so many visitors from the community show up. There were many families that came out yo support us snd several new families that did not have a church home. Everyone was amazed by the first class hospitality of our Country Church. It turned out  amazing and looking back  I am so thankful that I  followed God in obedience.
A little recap of the night:
 A little photo booth fun! This is a great tool to connect with visiting families! You can make small  talk, take their familie's picture and tag them on FB later.

 Arlee loved the booths and winning candy.  I love this picture of his sweet gighles!!

It was cute how fast he caught  on to getting candy! 
The trunk or treat was amazing. ..some of our church members put some of us to SHAME!
 Yep, this guy right here! He was the highlight of the night. ..this is just one trunk!!!

 And how cool is this one!  Love our Pastor and his wife!

This is not even a third of all the kids lined up for truck or treat!

Hayride time. This just has a way of bringing the kids out in all of us. ..
There were several hayrides to accommodate all the kiddos (and the grown kids)
What a great night full of memories. It was a wonderful opportunity to reach out to our community and to invest  in the lives of our own children. It's amazing what God will do with a small dream if we choose not to live our lives in fear but in obedience. I'm so grateful for a Pastor who  has taught me that! I'm also blessed with an amazing  church who  jumped on board with a small vision and made it into a huge reality!