She challenge ladies to find a sign, or a symbol and each time you saw your sign/symbol you would remember how much God loved you! Her signs were redbirds, rubies and rainbows!
You may wonder at the purpose of this. You may think it silly and unnecessary.
Well, a sign is there to tell you what is ahead, Which way to go, what to expect.
It's a gentle reminder of what you may already know.

We know God loves us! So why the need of a sign? Well if you are anything like me we need reminders! I am a very task oriented person. I love making list just to see the items being crossed off. I love the feeling of goals being accomplished. I can get so busy doing things throughout my day that I sometimes never slow down to see God's love or His work in my life.
This wonderful challenge allowed me to see the simple ways God can reach out and tell me He loves me. Yes, I know He loves me but how refreshing it is to be reminded.
Many of you already practice this regularly. I have heard of wonderful symbols like an anchor or butterflies. I heard a story of how a lady used coins she would pick up off the ground to be a reminder of God's love and how she can Trust in God. Whatever your sign is, allow it to fill you with the unmeasurable and undeniable love that God has for you
Maybe you have never given this a try or considered using a sign to be a reminder. May I encourage you to give it a try! We all need reminders of God's love.
My signs are deer, falltime, and Charming Charlies! Okay not really Charming Charlies, but if you know me you know that this store was made for me. Everytime I step foot in that blessed store the angelic choir starts singing and everything starts shining and sparkling in the most heavenly way! I feel all warm and giddy inside and I think to myself that this must be what Heaven is like!!!
Okay, all kidding aside. Just the simple things like a sweet little deer or the crisp air in the fall are my "I love you's" from my Heavenly Father. My other special sign is answered prayers. I just can't think of anything more special or spectacular than knowing God loves me enough to hear my request and then answer them in His way and in His timing. No matter how big or small they may be.
May we all slow down a bit a see God's love! Pick a sign and let Him show His love to you.
Now, Will you share your signs with me?
I would love to hear from you and your own wonderful stories!
Monday on our walk, God started to lay this post on my heart so I took a picture of the sign on the road (The very first picture up at the top) Then on Tuesday as we were walking look what was right next to the exact sign? An accident, coincidence??!!..haha. I think not.
By thev way, I picked deer cause my middle name is Fawn. Guess I was my Daddy's "little dear"!!
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