I have always loved the story of the little girl who loved her fake pearl necklace. She wore it everyday and never took it off. That necklace was her pride and joy. She played in it, ate in it, bathed in it and slept in it. Her Father noticed how dingy the necklace had become. The paint was beginning to peel away. And the necklace was old and in pitiful shape.
He asked his little girl if she would like to get rid of it. She quickly reached for her necklace, shook her head No and took off running.
He was very aware of his daughters love and passion for the necklace. But the necklace had seen it's last day. He decided it was time to buy her a new pearl necklace but this time a real one. One that would not peel, or chip away with time. One that she could love and cherish forever.
That night, at bedtime the Father asked the little girl to give him her necklace. "No Daddy" she quickly answered and hopped into bed and reached for her doll. " Here Daddy, you can have my dolly." The Dad chuckled to himself, "That's okay" and kissed his little darling goodnight.
The next night the Dad again asked for her dirty dingy fake pearl necklace, the little girl cried and held on to her prized possession and said "No". The loving father felt the shiny new pearl necklace that was hiding in his pocket, kissed her goodnight and walked away.
After a few nights of receiving a "No" the dad thought he might take another approach. The old necklace was about to fall apart and he knew this would crush his little girls heart if it broke.
He knew tonight would have to be the night. So, just like he had the other nights he asked his little girl to give him the old necklace. When she responded with a firm No, he sat next to her on the bed. "Sweetie, do you love me?" She quickly nodded her head yes with a big smile. "Do you love me more than that necklace?" Her eyes got big and begin to tear up. She nodded her head slower this time up and down.
"Do you trust me?" Again she slowly nodded her head yes while a tear fell down her face. "I want you to give me your necklace. I know you don't understand but I want you to obey me and trust me."
His daughter began to cry as she took off her necklace. Her chubby hands held her favorite treasure for the last time, then she placed it tenderly into her loving Father's hand.
Once she handed it over to her Daddy, he hugged her then reached into his pocket and pulled out a new beautiful white shiny pearl necklace. She squealed with excitement, just as he expected. She loved her new pearl necklace. It was so much better than her old one. She quickly put it on and hugged and kissed her Daddy. She instantly forgot all about the old dirty fake necklace she had held on to because now she had a new shiny real pearl necklace
The kind Father had something so much better for his little girl, all she had to do was let go of her way and accept her Father's way.
What a beautiful illistration this is for us. God has so much in store for us but we have to let go of our ways. What are we holding on to? What is it that we refuse to let go of?
God only gives the best and He knows what is best. We need to trust in Him and not settle for second best.
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