Have you ever doubted yourself about something and the more you doubted the less motivated you were to conquer it!
I have!!
So many times I have let the fear of failure cause me to be complacent.
I have let my insecurities talk me out of following my dreams.
And many times, unfortunately, I have let my DOUBTS become DON'TS.
This morning while reading in Matthew 13, my heart was struck with a challenging conviction as I read verse 58. Jesus had returned to Nazareth and was rejected by the people. He ends the chapter with this very sobering thought, " And He DID NOT many mighty works there because of their UNBELIEF".
That verse hit me right between the eyes! What mighty works is God not doing in me and through me because of my unbelief. Are my doubts holding
some of God's blessings back? Are my fears greater than my trust in God?
I have always had the desire to serve God and honor God with my life. I want a life that SHINES and SPARKLES for Christ. But if I allow insecurities to keep me from following God and the dreams He has given me then; how can I truly follow Him?
When I started this blog, it was with the simple intentions of journaling my life, my pregnancy and motherhood. But God changed the direction and challenged me to write what He had laid on my heart. I laughed at the idea!! As you know, I am not a writer. My grammar is all over the place. I tend to chase rabbits. And most of the time, I wonder if I even make sense. But after arguing with God for a bit I submitted to God and wrote my first post. I simply wrote the words that God laid on my heart.
After I shared my thoughts for all the blogging world, my friends and my family to see, I immediately became very insecure. I felt very exposed and raw. What would people think, would they laugh at me and think I was crazy or just a want-a-be??? Then I laughed at myself thinking I was the crazy one because NO ONE would even read my post!!
But boy was I wrong and was I humbled.
I quickly began to get texts and messages from ladies on how that post had been a much needed blessing.
The post was shared many times on Facebook and Pinterest and I was left in Awe!! I was so grateful that I had obeyed God. I was so thankful I did not let my doubts in my writing abilities hold me back from obeying and being used of God.
It is so humbling how God can take our feeble attempts of obedience and make them monumental blessings to glorify Him.
"Little is much when God is in it."
So, let me ask you sweet sister.
What are your fears holding you back from?
What insecurities are in your life that are hindering you from following your dreams?
What Doubts are becoming your Don'ts?
May I remind us both where all those negative thoughts are coming from?
From the One who wants us to fail.
From the very One who hates us and does not want us to live a victorious life.
From the One who constantly fills our head with lies and doubts.
From the One who tells us:
We are not worthy
We are not good enough
We are not smart enough
We are not qualified
We are not pretty enough
We will never be enough
Well enough is enough old Satan.
Because in Christ and through Christ:
We are worthy
We are good enough
We are smart enough
We are qualified
We are pretty enough
We are more enough
Because we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ! We can follow are dreams. We can reach our goals. We can live victorious. We can conquer those fears. We can move mountains and leave behind those Nasty doubts! And our Don'ts can become Do's (see there goes that incorrect grammar)
Romans 8:37 "...we are more than conquerors through him that loved us so."
Ladies, my goal for us is to know we don't have to let our Doubts become Don'ts.
We can do all things through Christ!!!
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