My sweet friend and I were talking today about one of our precious sisters in Christ who recently went through a very hard time in her life. During this very critical time when she was experiencing great sorrow, her family came under attack!! They were criticized and had many people that they loved and respected simply turn their backs on them and walk away.
When they needed love, it was not offered.
When they needed a friend, no one was there.
When they could have used simple encouragement it was replaced with gossip and shunning.
I can't help but shake my head out of frustration and wonder how is this like Christ?
No matter how much you disagree with someone or how bad of a mistake they have made, don't shoot them!! HELP THEM
This is a very tender subject for me beacause I too was hurt by people I admired, respected and loved.
It took years to heal, recover, and get rid of the bitterness that I had allowed to take over. I honestly faught with the lies of the Devil to just throw in the towel and quit.
But everything can be used for the Glory of God if we allow it. I would not be so sensitive to this fact had I not experienced it first hand.
So just a few thoughts on this...
If you are the one who has been hurt
1. Keep your eyes on God
2. Learn to forgive
3. Walk away from the attacker and start a new journey
4. Heal
5. Cling to God
6. Do not become bitter
7. Trust in God not in religion or man
If you are the Christian who has judged and hurt others, then please remember
1. You are not the Ultimate Judge
2. Don't let your pride or your religious beliefs hinder you from loving people
3. Treat others how you would want to be treated.
4. Love them like Jesus loves them
5. Forgive them
6. Restore them
7. Stay humble
8. Let God use you
I absolutely love the verse in Galatians 6
"Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ
For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself."
When a Christian brother or sister has fallen, it is our duty to restore them, to carry their burden and to fulfil the law of God.
No, we do not sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happend, but we certainly should not be part of the rumor mill!
Let me challenge you to ask yourself,
"What did I do to help?
Did I add them to my daily prayer list?
Did I pick up the phone and offer encouragement?
Did I keep my mouth shut to the gossip?
Was I a friend to my friend?
Did I love them the way Christ loves them?
I do not come to you as an expert in this area. I come to you as a sinner, who has made mistakes but found grace and mercy at the feet of Jesus. I come to you as an imperfect Christian who is genuinely striving to please God. I desire to love people and show them kindness.
My plea to all of us is to remember that
as Christians we will not all see eye to eye.
There wil be things we may disagree on and stands that we will take that are different. But as a Christian, we must quit fighting each other and start fighting the true enemy!
We are on the same team. We shouldn't be shooting each other. We are at war with the Devil, not one another. Satan is the one we should be after.
He is out to destroy homes, churches, friendships, ministries and families. Let's quit fighting on his team and rally around each other. Let's protect each other and have each other's backs. We need each other, the cause is to Great to walk away from brothers and sisters we don't agree with!!!
Remember- People are In Need Of Kindness
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