Wednesday, October 7, 2015


When I began decorating our 4 bedroom 2 bath fixer upper, I relied heavily on Goodwill and clearance racks. We did not start of with a lot of furniture or decorations.  I vividly remember the day I found my bathroom mirror. It was like finding a diamond in the rough. A true treasure. It was the piece that brought the final touches together. It was a fun and simple project. I painted the mirror and gave it a distressed look. I fixed it up and covered all the nix and dents. I loved the the mirror and the end result.

 While I love the mirror and how perfectly it compliments the bathroom, I do not always like what I see in the reflection. Sure, there are several things I can do on the outside. I can fix-up and cover up any blemishes. But what about what's going on deeper. What about what is going on in the inside? What is my heart reflecting? Do my reactions reflect God?

For years I have heard the saying "You can not control the actions of others. But you can control your reactions." While I believe this to be true, I do not always live like I believe it. It is usually after I raise my voice, cross my arms across my chest, clench my teeth, roll my eyes, stomp down the hall and slam the door that the shame and guilt set in and I think, Well I could have handled that differently.
My reaction did not reflect God at all. 
Nope, Failed that opportunity. That was more along the behavior of my 2 year old son when he is told NO!
Whether we react in a temper tantrum or the silent treatment; are we honoring God in our reactions?
Surely God understands that I am human and I get angry blow up sometimes. It's just who I am and besides, He made me. It's not like it's my fault that by button gets pushed one to many times and then I snap.
Ever had this argument with yourself or God, trying to justify your behavior? Yes, God gave us emotions. He understands we get angry but He also commands that we be angry and sin not. While this may seem absolutely impossible God never gives us a command that He does not follow up with instructions and hope.
James 4:8 says, "Draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you." The closer we draw to Him the closer He will draw us to Him. I love this hope and promise. The closer we get to Him the more like Him we will become. The more time we spend in His Word the more we will resemble Him. Galatians 5:22-23 shares some of His wonderful characteristics that He wants us to have. It is a list of the Fruits of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, meekness, faith and temperance (which is self- control) Yep, there it is. Ouch! God wants and expects His children to resemble Him and have self-control.
In 1 Corinthians 13:7  we are challenged to have charity and to bear all thing and endure all thing. The powerful words of Psalms 119:165 says "Great peace have they which love thy law: and NOTHING shall offend them"
Those are some mighty bold words. However, they are not mine they are God's. He said, if you are getting offended and your feelings are getting hurt; instead of pointing the finger at the other person look in the mirror and realize you do not love my law. Wow! How convicting is that.
If you do not love something, it is because you do not spend any time with it. You are not invested into it. That is what God is saying. You are not spending time with me, you are not invested in me. You have your eyes on the situation and not me.
Maybe you have a different reactions due to an entirely different situation. Sickness may have you defeated, loneliness might have you drowning in depression. The loss of a loved on may have you struggling for a purpose to live. Not being able to bear children may have you consumed with bitterness or extreme insecurities may have you chained up in bondage. No matter what you are going through dear friend, we all have hope. While all of our struggles may be different, all of our reactions can be the same. How? By choosing to let our reactions reflect God. May we choose to bring Him glory in all of our actions and reactions.
Do my reactions reflect God or do reactions reflect the lack of time I have spent with God?
What does your reflection say? I challenge you to look in the mirror, take a deep look and ask yourself, Do my reactions reflect God?

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