Sunday, October 25, 2015


My SIL Jessica and I loaded up the Lil man and headed out shopping.  Our first stop was the mall.  It had been quite a while since I had been. So, imagine my surprise when Arlee instantly started yelling "choo-choo" to the top of his little lungs the second we walked in the door! I looked around and didn't see or hear any trains so I was confused at his excitement. We started out little shopping adventure and rounded the corner to see way off in the distance a small train parked and loading up passengers. Of course, Arlee immediately noticed it and started pointing and  yelling "choo-choo
I then remembered that the mall had this little train and months ago I  had pointed it out to Arlee.  He did not ride it nor had he seemed to give it much thought. It absolutely amazed me that he remembered it!
We tried to continue our shopping but that was a little challenging. So, I decided not to torture the Lil toddler , it was time for a ride. My goodness was he excited! He jumped out of his stroller and darted as fast as his little get would go to the train, leaving me behind. He ran straight up to the caboose and stepped right in. His excitement was priceless!

The top picture is what my normal pics of Arlee look like. No smiles and being all pictures of the other two are rare and just precious to this momma!!!..we had a great ride. He started off in my lap waving at people and giggling. Then he moved over to sit in his own seat across from me. I could tell by the look on his sweet little face he was having the time of his life (and so was I)
I love making memories and nothing melts my heart more than seeing his happy heart smiling away!

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