Saturday, September 26, 2020

So You Say You're a Christian- Intro

New Bible Study 
Romans 12:9-21

Ever Friday we will take a look at what it means to be a Christian...



Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A FRUITFUL Christian- Temperance

A Fruitful Christian 🍎🍈πŸ₯­πŸ‹πŸ‰

Happy Tuesday and welcome to another look at The Fruitful Christian. Today will finish out this series. I have enjoyed looking at the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5 and I pray you have to.
Today brings in our last fruit. The last piece of the puzzle. The last quality of a Christian who is in living in a love relationship with God. The final reward. Temperance.

Temperance-moderation in action, thought, or feeling: restraint, self-control

Self-control- the ability to control oneself, in particular one’s emotions and desires or the expression of them in one’s behavior, especially in difficult situations.

It’s no accident that Paul listed temperance as the very last Fruit of the Spirit. God led Him to place this challenging character trait at the very end. My guess; is because self-control is impossible without all the other qualities being instilled first. Without my daily walk with God, without my quiet time with Him, without by obedience to the greatest commandment; it would be very hard to live in control of my flesh.

My flesh is too weak to control my emotions, my temper, my desires, and my temptations. My flesh can not handle all the pressures of life. But when I’m living in the Spirit and walking with God, His strength is enough to withstand all the difficult situations life may present. Self-control is really all about allowing the Spirit to control your life- being under His control, submitting yourself to Him daily, learning to crucify yourself in Christ daily.

All of these godly attributes have been adding up- one on top of the other. Love is the first and for-most- the foundation of all the Fruit of the Spirit.

I can’t help but think of a triple scoop ice-cream cone, you have this amazing chocolate covered waffle cone that is holding all the delicious flavors of ice-cream together. That waffle cone is the first step, you must have it. You can not skip this vital step, nor would you want to! Who wants to miss out on a waffle cone dipped in chocolate with caramel drizzled on the side? Then, once you have the first step down, you can start scooping all the yummy ice-cream flavors inside the cone, one at a time. Once you are done with the ice-cream, you can add some coolwhip, and the very last step, you get to put the shiny red cherry on top.

Isn’t that a yummy picture of the Fruit of the Spirit? You start with love and inside that love you begin to scoop in all the other wonderful results of walking with God- joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance (the cherry on top). And not only are you a beautiful sight in the eyes of the world, you are also living a beautiful life in the Fruit of the Spirit.

Do you long for some joy or peace in your life?

Do you feel like you need more long-suffering, gentleness, or goodness?

Are you a woman of faith?

Is meekness a word that upsets you?

Do you long to have control over your fleshly desires?

It all boils down to this last questions.

How is your love relationship with God?

As we wrap up this study, I want you to remember- the closer you are to Him, the closer you will resemble Him. And shouldn’t that be our desire as a Christian; to be Christ like? Are you a Fruitful Woman? You can be! But you must follow the recipe that God has given us. You can find the recipe and all the ingredients for being a Fruitful woman in Galatians 5:22-23

Peace, Joy, and Blessings!

Monday, June 1, 2020

A FRUITFUL Christian- Meekness

As we look at yet another Fruit of the Spirit in our Fruitful Christian series today, we will focus on Meekness.

Meekness- the act or condition of being meek; submissiveness

Meek- quiet, gentle, and imposed on; submissive

Meek is such a beautiful word with so many beautiful synonyms. I want to share a few, because I truly believe there is power in words. Look how powerful and challenging the word meek is!

Synonyms for meek: humble, modest, peaceable, obedient, unpretentious, lowly, mild, reverent, forbearing, tame, patient, gentle, long-suffering, docile, unassuming, compliant

Which one spoke to you the most? Circle it.

Now let’s look at words that mean the opposite of meek.

Antonyms for meek: impatient, assertive, overbearing, assuming, wild, inpatient, incompliant

Out of these two list, which best describes the characteristics of God. Unfortunately, modern society teaches us the meekness is for the spineless and the weak. Meekness is a characteristic that resembles the timid and the shy. But I would like to argue that meekness is a quality that reflects a beautiful, healthy love relationship with God. Go back and read the definition and the synonyms of meek. Do any of these words describe your personality? If not- pray for it. Work on it. Draw closer to God and allow Him to transform you into a meek woman.

Maybe hearing that term a “Meek Woman” just made your skin crawl. Perhaps you have worked very hard in becoming an influential, independent woman, and the idea of being a meek woman just makes you sick.

 Please turn your Bible to 1 Peter 3:4 and fill in the blanks below:
“But let it be the hidden man of the _____________________, in that which is not _____________________________________, even the ornament of a ________________________ and __________________________ spirit, which is in the sight of God of great ____________________________.

Being a meek woman does not take away from you being an independent, strong woman. Being meek doesn’t mean you become someone’s doormat or a shy timid mouse. Being meek means you live wisely, and allow the Spirit to rule your life, mouth, mood, and actions; not your emotions. Ladies, you can still be influential, you can still be independent and do powerful things through God- being meek just means you’re humble about it. Please, continue to work hard, use your platform to go change the world! Don’t be afraid to do something big. A meek woman can do all this. And when she does- she gives God all the glory!

Peace and Blessings,

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A FRUITFUL Christian- Faith

It's that time again for another look at The Fruitful Christian.I can't believe how far we have come in this series; yet, here we are. Today we talk about the next fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23


Faith means- complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

Hebrew 11: 1
“Now FAITH is the substance of things ____________________ for, the evidence of things _____________ __________________.”

Faith- is believing what you can not see. There is no dictionary or encyclopedia that can best describe what faith really is. Plain and simple, faith-is believing God is WHO He says He is and He will do WHAT He says He will do.

Hebrews 11 6
“But without ____________________ it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must ____________________ that He is, and that He is a
rewarder of them that diligently ____________________

Faith is the key that unlocks the door.

What door?
The door to salvation,
The door to answered prayers,
The door to changed lives,
The door to impossible situations
The door to a beautiful relationship with God.

Faith is the key that opens the door to miraculous opportunities.
Faith never gives up, no matter how bleak the situation.
Faith surpasses all expectations.
Faith moves forward, when all else fails.
Faith pushes to new heights.
Faith is the key.
Faith is the only key.
Will you pick up that key today?
Will you open the door of opportunity wide?
The possibilities are limitless

Interesting enough God didnt just stop here at having Faith, He goes on to say build on your faith!

2 Peter 1:5-8

"And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;
And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.
 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ"

Build on your faith:
Brotherly Kindness

Do you need to build on your faith?
Look at the list above!
Have you tackled this entire list?

Probably not... it's a growing process. We should continually strive to grow in the Lord and grow our faith! None of us have arrived. But we can sure grow.

Today, seek God and increase your faith, make it stronger, and healthier!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A FRUITFUL Christian- Goodness

If you are just now joining me on this study The Fruitful Christian..I hope you will go back and start at the beginning. Just look for the posts with this picture. It will help you understand this series in its entirety. 

Today, we are looking at the next fruit  of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23 - GOODNESS
Goodness-the quality of being morally good or virtuous.

Even though our minds comprehend what the word goodness means. I want us to take a closer look, just so our hearts can get a deeper understanding of what this requires of a child of God.

Morally good- right behavior- ethical

Virtue- behavior showing high moral standards.

Ethics- moral principles that govern a person’s 
behavior or the conducting of an activity.

As a Royal Descendent, our good behavior should stand above reproach. The way we live, the way we speak, the way we treat others, the way we treat our families, and the way we act in our communities should radiate GOODNESS. Our moral standards, our ethics, and our good behavior are a direct reflection of our relationship with the Father. Our habits, our choices, and our lifestyle- all point to Christ.

So, let me be just a little more blunt. As a child of the King, there are places you should not go, things that shouldn’t go in your mouth and things that shouldn’t come out of your mouth. There are clothes you shouldn’t wear, and things you should not do! 

Do you understand?

Yes, you are saved.
I know we do not live under the law, we live under grace.
This is not legalism- this is Christianity.
Being Christ like!
And let me just add, we are not living a good life to be saved.
We are living a good life because we are saved.
We are not living a higher standard to make up better than anyone else. We are choosing to live with good principals so we can represent our King well!

How are you representing Him these days? Do you represent Him well? Or are you one of those Christians that put a bad taste in other’s mouth?
We represent the Kingdom.
People are watching; whether you want them to or not! 

Be good for GOODNESS sake!
And do right!
Matthew 5:16- "... let your light shine before men;that they may see your good works, andglorify your Father who is in heaven."
So God can be glorified ❤

Now just a little Soul Food- please take a moment to read the words of this inspiring song- 


From the very start, have purpose in your heart
To do what's right, and never question why.
Never count the cost though everything seems lost
The price for doing right is sometimes very high.

Right is always right and wrong is always wrong
And we must learn to seperate the two.
If you love the right, the Lord will give you light;
So seek the right in everything you do!

Do right till the stars fall.
Do right till the last call.
Do right when there's no one else to stand by you.
Do right when youre all alone.
Do right though it's never known.
Do right since you love the Lord.
Do right! Do right!

A FRUITFUL Christian- Gentleness

The FRUIT of the Spirit in Galatians 5, today we will focus on is Gentleness

the quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered. A softness

Reading John 1: 6-7 and seeing the definition of gentleness just seemed to flow together to me. You can not walk in the Light if you are not being kind, tender, and loving to the people around you.

A close friend of mine recently had a situation at work, the owner of the company made a request that was in conflict of what her supervisor wanted her to do. Following the owners wishes, it put my friend in a tough position with the supervisor and then received terrible treatment from the supervisor- verbal abuse, threatening her, yelling, be-belittling her, terrible texts messages! My friend was shocked at the way this Christian supervisor was handling the situation. It shook her to the core and left her wondering, how could this lady claim to be a Christian and act like this.  Simple- she doesn't have a fruitful heart. Oh, she may claim to have religion, but the truth of the matter, she doesn't have a love relationship with God.

Do you treat the needs of others gently? Are you kind to the people around you? Are you mild mannered and soft in the way you approach people? How do you handle conflicts? How do you react when people let you down? How gently do you care for others thoughts and concerns, their wishes, and their opinions? How tenderly to you reprimand others, or correct others when needed?

Do you care how your words and actions come across others, or do you have  the attitude, “Well, they’ll get over. They need to put their big girl panties on.” Are you so wrapped up in your own life that you no longer care about the well- being of those around you?

Is this how you think God treats you? Does He ignore our needs or act harshly and gruff? When you make a mistake does He belittle you, yell at you , or threaten you? No, sister! He doesn’t. He lovingly showers you with His blessings and favor- even when you don’t desire it.

And this is how we should be. We should try to be more like Christ and treat others the way He treats us. When we show people the love of God, we are pointing them to God❤ 

Do your actions reflect a love relationship with God? Do your gentle actions and reactions show a FRUITFUL heart? Let's be more intentional in being gentle to others, even when they frustrate, disappoint, or hurt us!

A FRUITFUL Christian- Longsuffering

As we continue our study of the fruits of the Spirit, today we will look at long-suffering

Having or showing patience in spit of troubles, especially those caused by other people

I’m not sure a word can better describe our Lord.. He is so tolerate of our mistakes and our messes. He graciously picks us back up and loves on us. Day after day, He does this. This is so challenging to me, because I’m not the most patient person! Are you? But aren’t you so thankful God doesn’t treat us the way we treat others.

My,oh my! Could you imagine? He is a wonderful example of what patience should be! And so should we as Christians. The way we show patience with others, and even ourselves is a direct reflection of our love relationship with God.

Let’s look at 1 Corinthians 13:4, remember this where God defines love.

What is the very first action of love in verse 4 _______________________?

YIKES! If you say you have the love of God in your heart but you do not deal patiently with people, you need to reevaluate your heart. If you are moody, easily irritated, if you be-little others, or un-willing to work with others, if you snap at people and treat them badly, if you are treating other people in any way that brings reproach to the name of God; you need to examine your walk with Him. When we act this way, we are not walking the Spirit but in the flesh.

Go to Galatians 5:16-21 not look at verse 24

If we belong to Christ we have crucified the __________________________?

Dear sister, if you have no desire to crucify the flesh, you need to check your salvation! I’m not saying you will never have a moment of weakness and “get in the flesh” but I am saying you can not continually walk in the flesh and not feel remorse or convictions. You should feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit if you have treated someone badly.

Now go read 1 John 1:6-7 and that will lead us to our next personality trait!

A FRUITFUL Christian- Peace

In this series "The Fruitful Christian" we have been discussing the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5. in this passage we are seeing the results or the outcome of a person who chooses to walk in the Spirit. In other words, these are the attributes of a Christian who allows the Holy Spirit to guide their life.

We have talked about LOVE and JOY- now it's time to focus on Peace.

So, let me start of with a question. And I want total honestly.

How peaceful is your heart and mind these days?

How peaceful is your home?

How peaceful is your marriage?

How peaceful are your relationships?

How peaceful is your job?

I want you to consider the level of peace you have in your heart right now. Notice- I didn't ask you to consider your life, your finances, your success, your job, your relationships, your struggles, your trials, your heartaches- I asked you to consider to level of peace you have in your heart right now.

Peace can be found in the midst of heartaches, failures, trials, and tragedies. Just like turmoil can be found in the midst of success, wealth, fame, and amazing achievements.
Peace is the evidence of a love relationship with God.
Peace is not a temporary mood.
Peace is a result of a healthy walk with Jesus.
Peace is not the outcome of a happy situation.

Peace is the consequence of yielding to the Holy Spirit.
Peace is not the effect of a perfect environment.

Peace is a reward for your obedience to God's Word.

Peace is not measured by earthly achievements and success.

You can not find a substitution for PEACE.

The world will offer  temporary satisfaction- but know that is not the same thing. It's a short term substitution. Take Hollywood's most elite for example! Fame, fortune, and extreme wealth can not offer peace.
Read Isaiah 26:3-4

We will dive deeper in this over on Facebook-  Dorothy Hill Gates  today and look at how you can obtain peace in your life.
You can also grab a copy of "Sparkle and Shine" on Amazon (or through me) and read an entire chapter devoted to-
The Quest for Peace

Until next time

A FRUITFUL Christian- Peace and Joy

A FRUITFUL Christian
As we discuss the FRUIT of the Spirit from Galatians 5 its important to point out a few key points. .

1. FRUIT is singular!
These are not individual attributes of the Spirit.  They are not separated.  They are all connected.  One is the direct result of another. They all tie in together! Which means you cant have one without the other. And look at the very first .

2. The Divine Order
God placed  this list in a specific order. It's a DIVINE list you can not take out of order. Meaning- if you desire to have joy and peace in your heart and to be evident in your life- than  you must first have love of God rule your heart.

LOVE is the foundation and joy and peace are the result! .

3. Everything hinges on LOVE.
As a Christian, everything we do points back to our love for God. The way we love others, the way we make decisions, the way we obey Him, the way we follow His commandments, the way we react- it all reflects our love relationship with Him. .


They are the result of a love relationship with Him!
If you feel like your joy is gone and peace is non- existent...then examine you relationship with God!
How long has it been since you spent time with Him?
When was the last time you read His words?
Has it been a while since you had undistracted quite time with Him?
How long has it been since you had a heart of worship?

Today, go spend some time with Him!
Dont allow busy schedules, the rush of the holidays, lack of discipline, or laziness, rob you from the joy and peace that come from walking with God.
Go open His word and enjoy loving on Him today❤

Dorothy Gates

A FRUITFUL Christian- Love = Joy

As we jump into the FRUITFUL christian series today, I want to ask you- "what does JOY mean to you?" The world gives us a tainted image of joy. They say:

Joy= happiness
Joy = success
Joy= wealth
Joy= perfection
Joy= achieving your goals
Joy= weight loss
Joy= attention
Joy= popularity
Joy= acceptance
And now you fill in the blank:
Joy =

What does Joy mean to you?
True joy doesnt come through temporary happiness,  achieving something, obtaining anything,  or arriving somewhere.  Joy comes through a relationship with God and living by His plan.

Last week we saw that in Galatians 5:22, the first fruit of the Spirit is LOVE.

And look now in Matthew 22: 36-39
"Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself"

Do you want a joyful life, a FRUITFUL life?
Read John 15 10-12! What is the commandment? Love one another! Now read Pilippians 2:2-4
How can your Joy be full? Love one another!
Joy is a result of obedience
Joy is the effect of a love relationship with God
Joy is the outcome of loving others
Joy is the consequence of following His commands

When we follow Gods divine order and love Him then  love His people- the result = Joy!
If we put ourselves first and become self-centered we mess the order all up and find ourselves miserable.
Keep Jesus First!
Others next!
Then ourselves!

Here is a fun song to the tune of Jingle Bells to help you remember the true meaning of JOY:
this is what it mean
JESUS first
OTHERS in between!
I will not be held responsible if this gets stuck in your head for the rest of the day!
You're welcome 🀭

Until next time..blessings

A FRUITFUL Christian series

The closer we are to God, the more we resemble Him.

The more time we spend with Him, the more we reflect Him.

Does your life, character,  personality, and heart resemble or reflect Christ?
Do people see Him, hear Him, or feel Him when they are around you?

Do your words sound like His words?
Do your actions look like His actions?
Do you desires reflect His desires?

Does your life bare witness that you are a Righteous Woman?

Matthew 7 declares that by your fruits you shall be known!

People shouldn't have to guess if you are a Kingdom woman! Your life, heart, character and personality should be a testament to that.
I'm going to begin a series called "The FRUITFUL Woman." During this time we will look at the Fruits of the Spirit and see how are lives line up with God.

I pray it will challenge us to look in the Mirror of the Word and see our heart's true reflection.  Does our heart reflect Christ or ourselves?
A Righteously Redeemed woman has a FRUITFUL heart- do you?

Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Joy of the Lord is My Strength

Joy is not only a choice, but it's also a direct result of a love relationship with God. If you are not feeling joyful right now- check your relationship with God. 

When you walk with Him- You feed your Spirit- when you feed your Spirit- You develop His fruit- when you develop His fruit you gain love, joy, peace.

(Check out Galatians 5:22-23 for the rest of the fruit) 
That fruit will strengthen your soul, mind, and heart spiritually,  physically, and mentally. .
Need a little strength today? I sure do! Go spend some time with the Lord and let His love fill your heart❤ that love will overflow into joy and peace. That joy will be the strength you need to get through your day! 

The joy of the Lord is my strength 😍

Sunday, March 15, 2020


 In these strange and uncertain days, we have a decision to make. Do we choose to get caught up in the fear, negativity, criticism, hysteria and craziness of this world?

 Or do we choose to live in faith and offer hope to people around us?

 Just like a Lighthouse offers its bright light in the midst of darkness and storms, we should offer our Lights! The world needs hope..Not criticism, negativity, and fear. Let's show those around us Kindness not judgment.

Let's come together as a family of God undivided, show-casing the unity and love we have as children of God. The Bible tells us that without FAITH it is impossible to please God. Friends dont loose Faith when faith is tested. God is in control!

 Here are a few thoughts to encourage each of us how to live by faith and offer HOPE to others!

Living by faith allows me to:
Remember that I have Creator Who is in control. Recognize that He holds my Tomorrows.
Rest Assured in Hope because He has the answers. Reflect on His promises
Rally behinds my leaders.
Rejoice over Gods blessings.

Offering hope to others encourages me to:
Stay positive.
Support and Pray for my leaders.
Surrender fear.
use Social Media for His glory!
Shop wisely and not in hysteria.
Speak words of affirmation.
Show others the love of God.
Study the Bible.
Stay calm because, God's got the chaos!!

Please choose to live in faith and offer HOPE today! choose to live in faith and offer HOPE today!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Manic Monday Series

It's that time...
Time for our Manic Monday series!

And here's the kicker, this Monday has literally kicked my booty!

I had another point to share this Monday but God led me to hold off on that point and be real, raw, and relatable today. Because today someone needs honesty over a practical tip! And I think that someone is ME!!

 So here is me being completely honest with the prayers it helps someone else! There will be days (Mondays or any day) that will still get the best of you... and it doesn't matter how much effort you put into planning ahead. You can be prepared, make all the list, be organized, and on top of it- and the unexpected still jumps out and slaps you smack on the face.

 No one plans to have a MANIC MONDAY. We all desire to have a MARVELOUS MONDAY.

But life has a way of happening, and with that, things become out of your control.

Things you didn't ask for.
Things you didn't plan on.
Things you didn't want.

 So now what?

Will you allow the unwanted situations- the things out of your control define your day?
Determine your mood?
Rob you from a MARVELOUS MONDAY?

 Here are just a few thoughts:

 1.You cant control the situation but you can control your reaction.

 2. Dont allow a few bad moments, hours, days, weeks or months determine the outcome of your day, week, month, or year.

 3. Choose to see the POSITIVE in the situation or if there is no positive in the situation...find the positive things going on in your day!

 4. In EVERYTHING give thanks! Instead of allowing a bad unexpected situation rob you of your JOY, give thanks to God for everything He is doing for you! Dont allow the bad outweigh all the good in your life! 

5. Determine not to let the stress from this unwanted dilemma spill over onto your family. Dont take your frustrations out on them. They do not deserve that! So to help with all that and all the other points listed above....

 6. Pray Pray Pray❤

God is the only One who can turn it around and bring that MANIC Monday back into a MARVELOUS Monday, so lean on Him. Dont try to do it in your own strength! Go to Him right away. Beg Him for help and turn the situation over to Him. Trust He knows best and He can handle it best.

 With God focusing on the situation you can go focus on your family, friends, chores..or you! Go spend time with God, take a hot bath, or go get some sleep....which is EXACTLY what I am headed to do. This day zapped me of all my energy...exhausted me. So, I'm letting my sweet hubby take over and I'm going to bed. That's legal ladies! And no mom guilt required 😍😘

 Blessings! Here's to looking forward to a better - brighter tomorrow

 Dorothy Hill Gates

Friday, February 21, 2020


We each have one life to live.
One chance.
One opportunity.
One time.

When it's over- it's over.
We dont get a redo.
And we dont get to take any of our earthly possessions with us. The only things we can take to Heaven are the souls we've led to Christ and the things we've done for Him.

When our life here is finished, we will stand before our Creator and our Righteous Judge. It's my hearts desire that in that moment, He will say "Well done thou good and faithful servant. You gave it your all! You ran your race well."

So with the precious time God has granted me here on earth, I want to go all in for Him. I want to continue to go DEEPER and DEEPER with Him and not hold anything back.

How can you take one step closer to Him today?
Have you spent time with Him today?
Share Him with a friend?

Let today be the day you go DEEPER!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

More than anything I want to go in DEEPER with God.

I want to experience His love and know a real relationship with Him. I dont want to watch from the side lines...I want to go all in! I dont want to hold anything back- not my life, my time, my money, my wants, my wishes, my dreams, my plans, my family, or my ministry. I want it all to be his!

2020 brought in a new year with a bigger VISION for my life. That included a bigger vision for my walk with God. I dont ever want to be content where I am in my relationship with Him, I want to be constantly growing, learning, and obeying.

So, with that desire...I have to take another step and go a little deeper with Him? And that means I have to let some other things go. Things that dont have eternal value. Things that may seem good but in reality #distract me from my goal.

 What about you?

 Do you desire to go in deeper with Him?

*That may mean going to church regularly.
*Reading your Bible faithfully.
*Increasing your Bible reading.
*Saying YES to Him.
*Serving Him in the church.

Whatever it might be, I pray you will go ONE step DEEPER with Him this year!!

Blessings ❤

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Be Confident not Conceited

There is a  difference between being confident and being conceited.  I truly believe as a Woman of God we should be confident.  Our confidence is not about us, it's about our relationship with God.

Confident- because we know WHO we belong too.
Confident- because we are an heir to the throne.
Confident- because we are royalty. .

As a Christian,  we should be self-assured, positive, assertive, and poised. But not in a conceited, vain, self- centered, arrogant, proud way; in a humble way!

Yes, you read that correctly,  a confident woman who is HUMBLE! .
Humble- because we recognize we are NOTHING without the grace of God! .

Today, hold your head up, straighten those shoulders and walk in confidence! You are the daughter of the King of kings, but keep your heart humble and stay kind to the people around you. And wouldn't you agree that this creates the most beautiful woman. A beautiful heart creates a beautiful woman

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Say yes to God

When we say YES to God, we unlock the doors for DESTINY to come in. My desire is to step into my full potential and live everyday in the plans God has for me. I want to be the woman God created me to be and not just a small version of what God intended!

Monday, January 27, 2020

Dear Mom

Today, we were suppose to start our Manic Monday series- but God ( I always love these But God moments) led me to write the following post. "Dear Mom" It's long, but I pray you will take the time to read. I also pray that somewhere in this post you will find your own motherhood journey.

 Dear Momma with the special needs child,
 Many days you have wondered if you have the strength to carry such a big assignment. Many days you have asked God why. You feel inadequate, weak, and unable to be enough. You watch through the windows of your home as the world passes you by. Your motherhood journey doesn’t allow a girl’s night out. Your days don’t have time for the carefree days you once knew. You might feel alone. You may think no one understands. You have given up on all those dreams you once held for that precious baby. You may never hear the words “I love you mom” come from their sweet lips. Your reality is that you will never be an empty nester and travel the world after retirement. Your motherhood journey looks very different than you had planned. Does anyone care about the struggles you have every day?

Dear single mom,
This is not the life you planned. You never pictured being a single mom. You were supposed to have a happily ever- after. Yet, you find yourself parenting alone- whether it was from the choices you made when you were younger, or perhaps a failed marriage that led to divorce, or maybe the heartbreaking death of a spouse; here you are alone. It’s hard. You work endlessly to make ends meet and you often wonder if you can make it through another day. You are tired. You carry a load no one can begin to understand, and you have no one to help you carry that load. You play the role of both mom and dad. You need a day off, yet that is simply not an option. So, on you go- day after day- exhausted, lonely and you can’t help but ask; does anybody care?

Dear mom who seems to have it all,
Through the eyes of others you seem to have it all together; from the outside looking in your life looks perfect. You have a loving husband, healthy children, a beautiful home; yet, no one knows the heartache you carry. You hide behind the mask of perfection and a smile that gets harder to put on every day. No one knows that in reality you are holding on by a thread. You feel guilty for struggling while other women, who have so much less, dominate motherhood with ease. You feel the heavy weight of shame for not being strong enough to do it all, yet too scared to ask for help. Can anyone see through the flawless façade long enough to share their concern? Does anyone care?

Dear mom who has lost it all,
To the mom who has made poor choices in life and is now living in the consequences of those choices. To the woman who has lost everything- her kids, her home, her job, her hopes, her dreams, her dignity, and her faith. You may feel the chains of despair, shame, and guilt choking the life out of you. You may feel that you are not worth the second chance. You may believe the whispers in your ear that you don’t deserve another day. The fear of gossip and the fright of judgmental stares keep you away from church. You find yourself crying- Does anyone care?

Dear mom with a sick child,
While other moms are sleeping peacefully at night, you are sleeping with one eye opened. You toss and turn wondering if you remembered all the meds, if you did everything just right, and if you prayed the right prayer. The reality of this disease is crippling. Your life will never be the same. No one understands the fear, the burdens, the financial strain, the responsibilities, and the weight of your motherhood journey. This was not supposed to happen to your child. You have lost your smile, there is no joy or laughter in this heartbresking journey.  Your faith is weak. You are broken, and you wonder- does anyone care? 

Dear step-mom,
You live your days praying you will be accepted and loved for who you  are. You have been given the unwanted title step-mom. You do your best to back up your husband and support his decisions only to feel the backlash of disrespect and resentment  from his kids. You love without being loved. You give without getting anything in return. You wonder if it is worth it. Is your godly influence making any difference at all? You want to be seen as more that your title. You often feel the pressure of being smack dab in the middle of the battle field. You are often the “bad guy” caught in a war without a winner. You are tired, and you wonder if you should just give up. Does anyone else understand? Does anyone care?

Dear mom,
No matter what your motherhood journey looks like, you are where you are because of God. God chose you to be your child’s mother. God wasn’t looking for a perfect mom to take the job. God was looking for a loving mom. One who would love unconditionally. One who would wrap her arms around that precious baby for hugs, and tenderly kiss those chubby cheeks. A mom who would fall on her knees in prayer, confessing that she needs the power and strength of God. A mom who might fail day in and day out, but a mom who keeps on trying and never stops fighting. 

God didn’t ask you to parent perfectly, He wants you to parent lovingly. And boy, does He sets the example. He is the all-time greatest example of LOVE.

It’s the love of God that extends grace and mercy. Grace to start a new day. Mercy that reminds us we are not measured by our good days or our bad days. Today, may you find the rest your tired soul needs in the love of God and know He believes in you. May you find the courage to stand up and fight. Fight for a new day.

May you rest in the grace of God and believe that He hand-picked you for your assignment. God makes no mistakes. Your motherhood journey is no mistake. You are exactly where God wants you to be. Whether it’s caring for a sick child- or fighting to get your kids back. God knows where you are. And mom; He cares. Pour your heart out to Him today.

Maybe life is passing you by. Maybe your dreams have died. Maybe you are having a Mommy Meltdown- It’s okay! Take comfort knowing- He has not passed you by. He is known for creating better dreams. Yes, you are tired. You should be. You are amazing. You are incredible. You are a hard-working woman who carries the weight of the world on your shoulder. But, you are not forgotten. God cares. He loves you. He adores you. And He is routing for you and your motherhood journey. Today, no matter where you are, cling to Him. And if you are just too tired to cling to Him; take comfort knowing He is clinging on to you.

Today, may you find encouragement! And remember, you are loved and He cares for you!

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Let's get uncomfortable!

I tend to stay in the safety zone. I like to be comfortable. I like to do what feels familiar and go where I feel secure.

 However,  God typically takes us out of our comfort zone. He pushes out there in the awkward and the unknown. It's in those uncomfortable moments that we truly rely on Him. It's in the times when feel the weakest that His strength shines the brightest. .

God knows if we stay where its comfortable doing what we can do, He will never get the opportunity to do what only He can do! It's in those cases, He alone receives all the Glory! .

What is it that He is calling you to do? That thing that seems so impossible, so big, so far out there...its nothing to Him!

Allow Him to make you uncomfortable. Allow Him to guide your steps.
Allow Him to do big things!
Let's get uncomfortable for Him ❤
Let's step out of our comfort zones for Him!
Say "yes" to God

Friday, January 17, 2020

4 KNOWS you need to know

4 knows you need to know!

In case you missed it on  #dailydevoswithdot's a recap.

When chasing down a big goal, following a God sized dream, or answering the call to a HEAVENLY vision. You need to know4 simple truths!

1. Know your what!
Know your vision
Be specific about your goal. Know exactly what it is that you want to do!

*You want to write a book? awesome!! What kind? Children's, fiction, non-fiction, mystery...

*you want to loose some weight? Great!
How much?

*you want to start a new ministry? Wonderful! What kind?

*you want to save money? Fabulous!
How much?

Know what you want to do! Know the details! It will help you determine #2.

2. Know the how!
Know the steps needed.
How do you need to get there? What steps do you need to take. You may not know all the answers but work on knowing your first step. .

3. Know the who!
Know your person.
Know the person who will help you get there. Find someone who is already doing what you want to do is where you want to be!
Read their books, follow them on social media,  take their advice, emulate their habits. And for goodness sake...dont be afraid to Ask them for help!

4. Know the when
When are you going to make time to do this. It want just accidentally happen. You must intentionally make time for this new thing! You have to do it on purpose!

Know the process.
Go into this knowing the process will take longer than you want it to take, and will be harder than you want it to be. But trust the process. Dont get caught up in the results. They will let you down. And this leads into another bonus point.

*bonus* bonus*
Know your why.
Why are you doing this? Thats really what it all boils down to! Is it just a passing dream or is it a calling from God. Is it cause someone else is doing it, and it seems fun? Or Is this something you know you were destined to do.  Honey- child, if so.. step into that destiny and be who God created you to be. Knowing your WHY will keep you going when NOTHING else will. Why is this so important to you?

I pray these are a blessing 😘

You can follow #dailydevoswithdot on
IG- @dorothyhgates or
YouTube-  Daily Dose with Dot

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Mommy Meltdown

Just another MANIC MONDAY!

Ever feel that way? The crazy rush of coming off the weekend! You're frantically running the rat race, trying to get kids fed, dressed and out the door for school- while simultaneously getting yourself fed and dressed. Well forget being fed, just dressed. You'll just eat that granola bar that's in your purse, on your way to work. Oh wait, you ate that Friday for lunch. Well, bummer!

Ladies, life can be one big crazy, chaotic rat race if we are not careful! Overwhelming stress from all our responsibilities can crush us!

Today...I want you to remember,  you were made for more! You were created to THRIVE not SURVIVE. But you must have a plan of attack or the  distractions of life will bury you alive!

For the next few Mondays, we're going to focus on one new strategy plan to help us defeat those Manic Monday mornings, or any morning for that factπŸ€ͺ. Just one! One new strategy, one new step! So who'se with me? Who else is tired of the Monday Blues kicking their booty?

We were made for so much more 🀩 And you beautiful sister, you deserve so much more!
Join in next Monday for our first step! And be sure to tag a friend to join along.

Also, join other moms celebrating motherhood on The Mommy Meltdown fb group! Hope to see you there!

Dorothy ❤

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Saying YES to God in 2020

Saying Yes to God or chasing down a big dream is like standing at the edge of a waterfall. A big beautiful waterfall. .
You're scared to take the plunge!
There are too many factors to consider!. .
*what if you slip and fall
*what if you embarrass yourself.
*what if you mess up
*what if you fail
*whail if you get hurt (financially or mentally)
*what if.....
But yall- Gods not in the "What ifs" He is in the "I ams"

*I am the answer to all the questions.
*I am the One who guides and protects.
*I am the One who sees the end results.
*I am the One you can trust.
*I am the solution
*I am the WAY  the TRUTH the LIFE

But still, the doubts linger...
You can't see the end result
Its safer where you are.
You dont know the next step to take
It's easier where you are.
You aren't sure you'll even succeed
It's more comfortable where you are.
Yep, its safer, easier, and more comfortable where you are.
But that big Heavenly Vision that you have is not there- where you are...its in that jump, that plunge, that belly buster right over the waterfall. .
Are you willing to get wet?
It may not be an easy ride!
There may be some bumps and bruises, and some slipes and slides  along the way.
But have NO fears!
We know the One who controls the waterfalls! .
Take that leap of faith and say YES to God. Say YES to that big dream, or that audacious goal. Jump over the edge! ..

Note! I did not jump over this waterfall. I enjoyed its beauty from the bottom like all the other sane people πŸ€ͺπŸ˜„πŸ€©

Friday, January 3, 2020

What will your NO be in 2020

What is your NO in 2020? .
For many of us, we are going into 2020 with new visions, audacious dreams, challenging goals, and  most importantly- big fat Yeses to God. But with any new Yes, goal, or vision; you have to clear a path to make room for it. .

With that being said, you also have to know what your NOs need to be in order to make way for that YES .
Many of us pick a WORD for the year; but just as importantly, pick your NO for the year!
How will you clear the path?
How will you make room?
What will your NO be? .
Be specific in your goal, make a plan, take a step forward and know the things you must say NO to along the way! .
For instance-
I am on the gallon water challenge. In order for me to make room for all that water- I have to say NO to cokes, sweet tea, and sugary drinks! .

I am choosing to eat cleaner food- more raw, fresh fruits and veggies, so - I have to say NO to empty carbs, processed foods, and delicious sugary treats! .
I am on a personal journey trying to say YES to God every time, which means sometimes- I have to say NO to people, TV, fun activities, distractions, fear, self- doubt, insecurities, and excuses. .
Go into 2020 knowing what your NO is, so you can clear the path for your YES. .
What will you say NO to in 2020?
Please share what yours is...

Thursday, January 2, 2020

How Will you Decide

We all get the opportunity to decide if we are going to have a good year! But the truth is- none of us know what this year may hold- Health problems,  set backs, financial frustrations,  disappointments, or heartbreaks. .

Throughout it all, we can determine to choose good, choose joy, and choose peace. Not because we have a perfect year, where everything falls into place and goes just the way we planned. We can choose good because, we "know  Who holds tomorrow and we know Who holds our hand!" .
If we truly believe He is leading us into our tomorrows; then we can face anything...even the bad. We can determine to make it a good day. Not because it's a perfect day, but because He is there, present in our day! .
He can calm the chaos.
He can settle the storm.
He can right the wrongs.
He can make good the bad. .
Determine to have a good day, a great week, a wonderful month, and ultimately an incredible year! .
It happens intentionally.
It's your choice! .
Choose to make the first 30 days the model to form the rest of your year. Go into this month strong and hopeful. Make this first month victorious! Allow it to be the pattern for your next 11 months. Its starts with today. Make today great!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2019 Recap

2019 Recap:

*lost 20 pounds πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
*had a hysterectomy 😳
*released #distracted πŸ€—
*started #dailydevoswithdot 😊
*experienced God at new levelsπŸ˜‡
*celebrated 10 year anniversary 😍
*said YES to God in some big waysπŸ™‚
It's been a great year! Of course there have been trials, bad days, and failures- but through it all God has been faithful.
2019 was EPIC for me as an author, speaker and radio host. My ministry @Righteously_redeemed had some
wonderful victories. My health journey crushed goals! My marriage has grown stronger. Am I sad to see 2019 come to an end? Of course!  But I'm excited to see what 2020 has in store! .
New visions, bigger goals, a few new projects,  more self- growth,  and a healthier me!
Happy New Year friends 😘
My word for 2020 is VISION- "Where there is no vision the people perish." Prov 29:18