Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Saying YES to God in 2020

Saying Yes to God or chasing down a big dream is like standing at the edge of a waterfall. A big beautiful waterfall. .
You're scared to take the plunge!
There are too many factors to consider!. .
*what if you slip and fall
*what if you embarrass yourself.
*what if you mess up
*what if you fail
*whail if you get hurt (financially or mentally)
*what if.....
But yall- Gods not in the "What ifs" He is in the "I ams"

*I am the answer to all the questions.
*I am the One who guides and protects.
*I am the One who sees the end results.
*I am the One you can trust.
*I am the solution
*I am the WAY  the TRUTH the LIFE

But still, the doubts linger...
You can't see the end result
Its safer where you are.
You dont know the next step to take
It's easier where you are.
You aren't sure you'll even succeed
It's more comfortable where you are.
Yep, its safer, easier, and more comfortable where you are.
But that big Heavenly Vision that you have is not there- where you are...its in that jump, that plunge, that belly buster right over the waterfall. .
Are you willing to get wet?
It may not be an easy ride!
There may be some bumps and bruises, and some slipes and slides  along the way.
But have NO fears!
We know the One who controls the waterfalls! .
Take that leap of faith and say YES to God. Say YES to that big dream, or that audacious goal. Jump over the edge! ..

Note! I did not jump over this waterfall. I enjoyed its beauty from the bottom like all the other sane people 🤪😄🤩

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