Thursday, February 13, 2020

Be Confident not Conceited

There is a  difference between being confident and being conceited.  I truly believe as a Woman of God we should be confident.  Our confidence is not about us, it's about our relationship with God.

Confident- because we know WHO we belong too.
Confident- because we are an heir to the throne.
Confident- because we are royalty. .

As a Christian,  we should be self-assured, positive, assertive, and poised. But not in a conceited, vain, self- centered, arrogant, proud way; in a humble way!

Yes, you read that correctly,  a confident woman who is HUMBLE! .
Humble- because we recognize we are NOTHING without the grace of God! .

Today, hold your head up, straighten those shoulders and walk in confidence! You are the daughter of the King of kings, but keep your heart humble and stay kind to the people around you. And wouldn't you agree that this creates the most beautiful woman. A beautiful heart creates a beautiful woman

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