There is no such thing as a PICTURE PERFECT MARRIAGE
but MARRIAGE is the PERFECT PICTURE of God's love.
Long gone are the fairy tale fantasies of a Picture Perfect Marriage. Those unrealistic expectations have long been replaced with the cold hard facts of reality. What is the reality? That marriage is hard. Marriage takes work. Marriage is not perfect. The reality is that two imperfect people are in a relationship trying to create a perfect marriage, and that just can’t happen. There is no such thing as a perfect marriage or a perfect relationship. But it doesn’t mean that marriages can’t be good. Marriages can’t live perfectly every after, but they can live happily ever after. You see, even if you can never achieve perfections, you can hold on to the hope and the truths in the Word of God. Through His Words, we see that God is for marriage. He ordained the sanctity of marriage. We can rejoice and be inspired, challenged, and encouraged knowing that marriage is a Perfect Picture of God’s love toward us.
God loved us such much that He willingly gave His only begotten Son for us. In this short passage from the famous verse, John 3:16, we see several different ways that we can choose to apply God’s love into our own relationships.
God chose to LOVE us.
God chose to SACRIFICE for us.
God chose to GIVE to us.
God chose to see the GOOD in us.
God chose to ADORE us.
God chose to NURTURE a relationship with us.
God CHOSE us.
God chose to STAY with us.
God chose to be DEVOTED to us.
God chose to FORGIVE us.
God chose to INVEST in us.
How can we apply these attributes into our own marriage?
We can choose to LOVE our spouse.
We can choose to SACRIFICE for our spouse.
We can choose to GIVE to our spouse.
We can choose to see the GOOD in our spouse.
We can choose to ADORE our spouse.
We can choose to NURTURE a relationship with our spouse.
We can CHOOSE our spouse.
We can choose to STAY with our spouse.
We can choose to be DEVOTED to our spouse.
We can choose to FORGIVE our spouse.
We can choose to INVEST in our spouse.
It is our choice.
We each have a choice to make.
You can choose to love your spouse like Christ loves you.
You can choose to stay rather than leave.
You can choose to forgive rather than fight.
You can choose to invest rather than ignore.
You can choose to focus on your marriage rather than be distracted from your marriage.
You can choose to uplift rather than criticize.
You can choose to have peace rather than always be right.
You can choose to respect rather than rebel.
You can choose to take the road less traveled rather than take the easy way out.
You can choose joy rather than turmoil.
You can choose to give rather than get.
You can choose to love.
Don’t try to have a Picture Perfect Marriage, just choose to lean on and learn from the One who can show us what Perfect Love truly looks like. Love is not a feeling. Love is not a fairy tale. Love is not a Hallmark movie. Love is an action. Love is a choice.
I Corinthians 13: says that Love suffereth long, is kind, envieth not, vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, rejoiceth in truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Today you have a choice. What will your choice be?
There is no such thing as a PICTURE PERFECT MARRIAGE
but MARRIAGE is the PERFECT PICTURE of God's love.
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