Tuesday, December 8, 2015

It's Santa!

While we were visiting my in-laws for Thanksgiving,  we decided to take all the kids to see Santa.  Cedar Hills Farms had brunch, cookie and milk or dinner with Santa. The guys wanted to hunt and we wanted a lazy morning with the babies!
 With our schedule we decided to do milk and cookies.

It was the perfect choice! We were the only ones there. We walked into a beautiful rustic barn with the most beautiful Santa sitting there.  He looked just like a Norman Rockwell painting.  He was the kindest gentleman! If there was a real one,  it was him.  He was so patient with the nervous and  septic 2 year old.  He let Arlee play with his toy plane and his  jingle bells.  He offered him a candy cane,  and before we knew it,  Arlee was up in his lap!  Unbelievable! !
The twins were  so cute and sweet,  but Jackson completely stole  the show work his bright eyes and giggles!
Arlee loved his chocolate milk...he never came up for air.

It was a very sweet day!  And this momma had some lovely pictures. I plan to make him our traditional Santa! 
Arlee had a great weekend. By the time we got home he was puckered out. He conned right out on the couch. ..he has never done this.  He  was out by 7!!!
Sweet dreams my sweet little angel. Momma loves you!

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