Wednesday, April 3, 2013

14 Weeks

How far along? 14 weeks (I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow!!!)

Total weight gain/loss: 5lbs as of today!!... I know it looks like alot more, but that is due to my good ole friends the fibroids.. I have 7 and they are growing with the baby!!

Maternity clothes? I am in maternity clothes but can wear some of my dresses still

Symptoms: Lots of acid reflex and heart burn, lower back discomfort if I sit a lot, more shortness of breath if I am moving around a lot 

Sleep: not sleeping well :(... I can't get comfortable and I have to go to the bathroom several times during the night. Oh and I am HOT, HOT and more HOT. Even with a fan blowing straight on me.

Best moment this week: Easter Sunday. I wore my first maternity dress that I purchased. ( I have been borrowing my friends clothes!!)

Miss Anything? sleeping thru the night and working out at the gym. I just don't have the energy to exercise like I use to!!!

Movement: Not yet...can't wait!!!!

Food cravings: spicy fries and fruit

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really anymore

Have you started to show yet: Most definitely!

Belly button in or out: still in and hoping it stays that way!!

Have you told the family: Yes...they all know

Gender of the baby: Don't know yet, but we are planning the gender reveal party!!!

Baby Room: Still waiting to find out the gender before I get started. I do have my themes picked out though!!!!

Baby Names: Girl- Tabbitha Faye
                        Boy- Robert Lee after his daddy...not sure what we will call him though!

14 Weeks and Baby Gates is the size of a bad my belly isn't....haha!!!!!

I found several of these comfy dresses....I will be living in these this summer!!!!!!

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