P.I.N.K.= People In Need of Kindness
{lesson 2}
This lesson may be a little harder. In Lesson One we talked about our kindness to the Lord. It's not that hard to be kind and loving to our Savior, we all want to love Him more.But as we challenge each other in P.I.N.K there is someone we often forget about and often neglect. The person in the mirror!!! Yes, ME, MYSELF and I....what?? Be nice to me (that's not hard). Really,?...okay, have you ever said something negative about yourself, or been frustrated at yourself for making a mistake.Is there something you have not forgiven yourself for....no...Okay, well how about comparing yourself to a friend, co-worker or family member?...ouch!! If your like me, you already know it's easier to be kind and forgiving to just about every one else except me. Growing up, I always wanted to be someone else. The girl who was sweet and smart.(You know, the girl that the teacher's always bragged on) The girl who had the gorgeous hair and extra long eye lashes. The girl that all the guys liked. The one that had the perfect clothes, family, car and talent.The girl that seemed to have it all!!!! You know her, we all went to school with that girl. She was the girl we all wanted to be. We would spent most of our time trying to be her, dress like her, do our hair like her maybe even laugh like her. We just wanted to be someone else, anybody else other that our own self. Truth is,we wanted that because we were not happy with who we were. We didn't like our hair, the color of our eyes, the size of our hips or maybe even our clothes.We were young and had not learned to embrace who we were yet. Man, school days were hard!!! But what is truly sad is that the same insecure school girl still lives in many of us today. Always comparing ourselves with someone else. This is not how God wants us to live our lives. He wants us to be confident Christian Ladies who live empowered lives for Him. But we can't do this if we hate who we are and are constantly comparing our-self to what everyone else has.Maybe it's not your looks you struggle with, maybe it's your home, your job, your children (lack of children)or the influence you have over people. We as women can get jealous over ANYTHING. I believe this is one of the biggest weapons that the Devil uses against women. We can not be truly surrendered in our lives and in our hearts when we secretly envy someone else.Lets all examine our lives and see if there is anything holding us back. Don't let Satan use jealousy, envy and insecurity to rob us from living a wonderful life.One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to thank God for who we are and live the life He has given us!
I will be sharing some of the steps that God gave me that helped transform me from an insecure jealous girl to a confident happy lady. Not saying my life is perfect or with out flaw...I still have the same hair, eye-color and hips that I had back then. I have just learned to embrace them.
Enjoying Key West-2012
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