Thursday, January 24, 2013

The beginning


I felt led to start blogging. I'm not sure why because I am not a good writer!! But if you have ever had something pressing upon your heart and you try to ignore it, you know as well as I do, that it is impossible.While setting up this site, I learned I needed to know what direction I want this blog to go. Whether it was Fashion, Hair/Makeup, Cooking, Photography or even DIY, focus and promote that subject. Well, I have no idea. As much as I love all of the following I'm not sure that this blog will focus on just one thing. I have decided to just be obedient to the Lord and see where HE will take it.

My first thought, challenge and maybe ever series is on my favorite color PINK. I know sounds silly, but bare with me. I am going somewhere with this. PINK is often thought of as a feminine, soft, cheerful and fun color. I agree 100%. I am a girly girl and growing up I always had a pink room! I love wearing the color pink and it is even my favorite color in a beautiful sun set. That is actually  how all of this P.I.N.K came about. Several years ago, I had gone through a very rough time in my life.I could not see God's hand in my life. For the first time in my life,I began to doubt HIS love and His faithfulness to me.( I know..terrible, but honest!!!) I went to visit my parents for 2 weeks up in Illinois. It was during this visit while I was sitting in the back seat of their car, that I was looking out the window at the sun set. I was feeling very sorry for myself and began to ask God where He was. How could He forsake me when I needed Him most. My eyes began to water and then a soft voice answered back " I'm here!!! But get your eyes off yourself and on ME" WOW!!!! Did HE really just call me out like that?? Yes, HE did and at that moment I saw the most brilliant color of Pink that I had ever since in my life. It was in the same sunset that I had been staring at the whole time but in that moment I saw God's handiwork and oh boy!.. was it BEAUTIFUL!!! Peace began to engulf me and tears began to flow down my cheeks. God was there, in the sunset, in my troubled heart and in my trial. He had been there the whole time, I had just chosen not to see HIM. I had chosen to see only the situation. I had no idea what God was starting to do, but I decided in that moment to turn my eyes upon HIM. That is one of the most precious experiences that I have ever been through. Seeing God in my life and how HE touch my life by using HIS creation. When God does a work so big and so undeniable   you never forger it or get over it.During  the darkest time in my life,God put something wonderful in my heart and I hope you will join me on the journey...P.I.N.K.
Me and my Hubby in New Orleans 2012


  1. This is so cool, I just started a blog too!!! You are off to a good start and I look forward to seeing where God leads you with this. I love the testimony. God is so Good! I'd love it if you would check out my blog too:-)

  2. I was shocked when I saw I had a comment, then amazed when I saw it was you!!!! This is a confirmation to me that I am doing what God wants me to do. Thank you Mary :) If you have any advice, throw it my way.

  3. Hey! Thank you for this encouraging post! Gave me a whole new perspective on the color pink! ;-) Miss you...

  4. Thank you Kerry, Your encouragement is a blessing! It is hard for me to put things into words, so this has been a big leap of faith :) I miss you to little lady!!!
