Sunday, March 15, 2020


 In these strange and uncertain days, we have a decision to make. Do we choose to get caught up in the fear, negativity, criticism, hysteria and craziness of this world?

 Or do we choose to live in faith and offer hope to people around us?

 Just like a Lighthouse offers its bright light in the midst of darkness and storms, we should offer our Lights! The world needs hope..Not criticism, negativity, and fear. Let's show those around us Kindness not judgment.

Let's come together as a family of God undivided, show-casing the unity and love we have as children of God. The Bible tells us that without FAITH it is impossible to please God. Friends dont loose Faith when faith is tested. God is in control!

 Here are a few thoughts to encourage each of us how to live by faith and offer HOPE to others!

Living by faith allows me to:
Remember that I have Creator Who is in control. Recognize that He holds my Tomorrows.
Rest Assured in Hope because He has the answers. Reflect on His promises
Rally behinds my leaders.
Rejoice over Gods blessings.

Offering hope to others encourages me to:
Stay positive.
Support and Pray for my leaders.
Surrender fear.
use Social Media for His glory!
Shop wisely and not in hysteria.
Speak words of affirmation.
Show others the love of God.
Study the Bible.
Stay calm because, God's got the chaos!!

Please choose to live in faith and offer HOPE today! choose to live in faith and offer HOPE today!