Sunday, December 29, 2019

What do have to offer?

What do I have to offer?


I remember the overwhelming feeling of inadequacy and insecurity right after I released my first book P.I.N.K (People In Need of Kindness) God had just started forming the idea of a ladies conference on my heart, and my second book, Sparkle and Shine was in progress. I had never felt more insecure,  under qualified,  unworthy,  and afraid than I was at that moment. .
What did I have to offer women? 
Why did I think they needed me? 
What would I give them?
I looked at other womens ministries and they seemed so sure of themselves.  They were confident in their message and their calling. They knew exactly how they needed to help others! And I was on the other side- overwhelmed and confused. .
I laid it all at Jesus's feet too! All my doubt, worry, confusion,  insecurities, and all my questions! .
God, what do I give these ladies? 
The women that you put in my path, what do I offer them? The ones who buy my book, come to a conference,  the one who come to hear me speak...what do I give them? I have nothing.  And in that moment of fear and frustration God gently reminded me..."Give them what they need- ME! Just give them me." .
It was then that the overwhelming, suffocating pressure fell off of me. People don't need me, my thoughts, words of wisdom, advice, council... they need HIM. Give people what they need- give them Jesus! He is the only thing I need to offer! Once I got myself out of the way- Jesus was able to shine through. .
Maybe today you are in this same situation.  You want to say YES to God, but you are scared you have nothing to offer others. Sis, the only thing you have to offer is Jesus. He is the only thing people need❤
Take that step. Say Yes to God and let 2020 be the most incredible spiritual journey of your life. .
See what God will do with a woman who says YES to God every time .

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Does God get the Glory when we bash other Christians?

Merry Christmas!!

I know its Christmas day , yet my heart is overwhelming burdened by things I've seen on Facebook.  Things that's are said "In the name of the Lord- Glory Hallelujah!" And its left me saddened and ashamed.  Its left me with a big question...

Does God get the GLORY when we bash other Christians?

In my book, SPARKLE AND SHINE, I dedicated an entire chapter to this subject. The chapter is titled "Dont Shoot One of Your Own" My heart is burdened and concerned over the way Christians are treating one another "all in the name of the Lord"

Friends, Brothers, Sisters in Christ-  when we HATE, CRITICIZE, GOSSIP, JUDGE, TEAR DOWN, STOMP ON, SLANDER, or DESPISE one our own; we are allowing the works of the flesh to rule our hearts! None of these attributes belong to the FRUIT of the SPIRIT. 
Gal 5:17-26

Can we honor Christ and still disagree, have different opinions, standards, and convictions? Yes, i truly believe we can!

"With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love . . . And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."
Ephesians 4:2, 32,

"But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another." 1 Thessalonians 4:9

We all think, look, act, believe and live differently. It would be a miracle if we all agreed with each other 100% of the time or thought exactly alike. But why cant we chose to disagree in the SPIRIT of love and peace?

When we fight and tear down one another, we are not reflecting Christ. We are reflecting the works of the flesh, And therefore the world will not see a God shining through us.

As children of God, we belong to the same family. We are on the same side. We are fighting the same enemy.  Let's get our focus back on that and back on TRUTH. Quit fighting each other. Fight the enemy!

Going out and reaching your community for the Lord. Letting your LIGHT shine and being a beacon of HOPE to the lost world. Shouldn't that be our main agenda? Not whose right, whose wrong, whose different!

Are we all guilty of failing and judging others?

Yes, we have all failed and judged others.
Yes, we have all criticized and talked negatively.
Yes, we have all hurt others due to our harsh judgments.

But isn't it time for us to make a change?

When we hear gossip,  or that a friend thinks or acts differently than us, or that a friend  has fallen into sin, how should we - as the body of Christ react?

Please read these next points taken from SPARKLE  AND SHINE as some food for thought....

1. We are not the ULTIMATE judge- so dont judge
2. Don't let pride or religious beliefs hinder you from loving others like God loves them.
3. Treat others how you want to be treated- or how you would want a family member treated.
4. Love them
5. Talk to them
6. Pray for them
7. Encourage them
8. Stay humble
9. Let God use you to restore them
10. Dont walk away from them

If you are praying for them, you have no desire to hate on them! There is no room for hatred, wrath, strife, emulation, or sedition when the FRUIT of the Spirit is present. 

Please dont allow the world to see hateful Christians!
We will be known by our Fruits! Does your heart reflect love, joy, peace, LONGSUFFERING, gentleness,  goodness,  faith, meekness, temperance?

So, back to my original question...Does God get the glory when we (brothers and sisters in Christ) bash each other? Absolutely not!

We become a JOKE to the world.

Please use wisdom, love,  grace, tact, and mercy before you use social media for your soapbox.

Let's use this platform that God  has given us to build up His name!!  And let's go do Kingdom work for Him.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

More than Anything- I want to be who you created me to be

I want to reach my highest potential.
I want to be the best version of myself.
I want to honor God with the life He has given me.
I want to live my life to the fullest.
 I want to love the life he has given me.

I want to cherish the husband  He has chosen for me.
I want to adore the child He has entrusted upon me.
I want to be content in the home He has placed me.
I want to work hard in the ministry He has called me. .
And I want to love and support the people that do life with me. .
God didn't call me to have a perfect life- just a happy, confident, content one. And I want to be exactly who He created me to be and love the life He has given me

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Messy Mondays and Mom Guilt

Mom Guilt: is the feeling of guilt, doubt, anxiousness or uncertainty experienced by mothers when they worry they're failing or falling short of expectations in some way. For many moms–particularly new, working or single moms–the variables that contribute to this phenomenon are numerous and intense.

 The problem with Mom Guilt: it cripples, it destroys, it suffocates, it holds one prisoner...and its good for nothing!

 As we begin our Messy Mondays and Mom guilt series, I want to start of by saying, Dear Momma, if you know the isolated feelings of mom guilt...the reality is- you are not alone. We have all experienced Mom Guilt at some time or another.

 Mom guilt hits each of us in some form and capacity. Becoming aware of it, is so important. It's not a subject you learn about in Sunday school. It's not a class you take in college. Its not discussed at the family table. It's something most of us push way down into the deepest corners of our hearts.


 Because if we are feeling guilty about something, it must mean we ARE guilty of something. Right? Not always!

Sometimes guilt comes from unrealistic expectations. Sometimes guilt comes from the lies of the devil. Sometimes guilt comes from the pressures of others. Sometimes guilt comes from the need to please people.

 Guilt can come from many places. And most of the time, it doesn't even come from failure.

 Today, let's become aware of what mom guilt is and where it comes from. Know, you are not on an island all alone. Know, its okay to talk about! Know right here, you have landed in a safe place to share your feelings, express your concerns, and talk about anything. Nothing is off subject. Talk about it. Dont keep it bottled up anymore! Let's help each other get through the suffocating guilt that holds us in bondage.

Through encouragement and prayer we can brake the chains and live victorious in the freedom God has for us. God wants us to be confident mom, not held-captive by guilt moms! We can be the mom God has called us to be, and raise our children for His glory! We can do this!

 Pleas feel free to share this post. Tag another mom and let's do this together!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Time for the moment of truth...

How well did you stick to your goals over the holiday?

With only 4 weeks left in the year....that's crazy even writing! 4 weeks...agh 🤪but in all seriousness,  with only 4 weeks left, We must became very intentional about our choices.

No matter what last week, or yesterday even, looked like- get back on track today.

Remember,  it's your choice, you choose what you want the end of the year to look like.  But it starts with today...and today ...YOU and only you get to choose! Will you finish strong?

The year is not up. Let's give today everything we've got and let's crush those goals!
I refuse to go into 2020- a brand new decade- with the same old goals from 2019.