Hours later he came to me again saying "Boo boo" and showed me his middle finger. Which was extremely swollen. We did not have any medicine so my hubby had to go get some. We got the medicine in him hoping that would help. But, By the end of the night his finger and hand were so swollen and the bite mark had turned into a huge bubble. The medicine did not seem to be helping.
Neither of us had ever seen anything like this. I tried to call my sis and some of my nurse friends, but unfortunately could not get ahold of any of them. I noticed red streets running down his hand and just had a bad feeling.
My sister, finally called back and encouraged us to take him on to the ER. And I'm so glad we did. Poor feller was so miserable. They gave him 3 medicines and put him on 2 different antibiotics. It was a long night but he was such a good trooper!!
These pictures do not do the swollen finger or blister justice.
Thank goodness for TV, cartoons and cell phones!
He has discovered funny faces and selfies!!
And like any 2 yr old you can not keep them down for long.
It was a long night but thankfully the medicine allowed him to sleep through the night peacefully!!
Thank goodness since we had church that morning.
Since our church was just having a 10:00 service we got a little extra sleep.
We had a wonderful service. The music and preaching was amazing. We enjoyed it and had a lovely meal with Jessica and Tanner afterwards at Taylor's. This has become our traditional Easter Restaurant...with its chocolate cobblar!!!
And because of the crazy night the Easter Bunny forgot to come that morning!!!! But after lunch and nap time He graciously arrived with his goodies for Arlee. Puzzles and Bubbles!!
And of course our traditional annual Easter Pictures...we did lavender for our family color. I picked the wrong color this year, because I could find ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Lee and Arlee were easy. .but not me.
The first store I went into had a beautiful dress but it was higher than I like to spend. But after going to every store (literally every store) and losing hope because There was nothing in this color this year!!!..next year I will probably find it everywhere.
My sweet husband knew I really loved the dress from the first store, so he bought it for me!!!..next year the boys outfits will coordinate with my dress.
But I do adore how it all turned out. And at least one time a year we can all be matchy!
It was a wonderful day that even involved a wonderful nap!! What a perfect Easter