Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A FRUITFUL Christian- Peace

In this series "The Fruitful Christian" we have been discussing the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5. in this passage we are seeing the results or the outcome of a person who chooses to walk in the Spirit. In other words, these are the attributes of a Christian who allows the Holy Spirit to guide their life.

We have talked about LOVE and JOY- now it's time to focus on Peace.

So, let me start of with a question. And I want total honestly.

How peaceful is your heart and mind these days?

How peaceful is your home?

How peaceful is your marriage?

How peaceful are your relationships?

How peaceful is your job?

I want you to consider the level of peace you have in your heart right now. Notice- I didn't ask you to consider your life, your finances, your success, your job, your relationships, your struggles, your trials, your heartaches- I asked you to consider to level of peace you have in your heart right now.

Peace can be found in the midst of heartaches, failures, trials, and tragedies. Just like turmoil can be found in the midst of success, wealth, fame, and amazing achievements.
Peace is the evidence of a love relationship with God.
Peace is not a temporary mood.
Peace is a result of a healthy walk with Jesus.
Peace is not the outcome of a happy situation.

Peace is the consequence of yielding to the Holy Spirit.
Peace is not the effect of a perfect environment.

Peace is a reward for your obedience to God's Word.

Peace is not measured by earthly achievements and success.

You can not find a substitution for PEACE.

The world will offer  temporary satisfaction- but know that is not the same thing. It's a short term substitution. Take Hollywood's most elite for example! Fame, fortune, and extreme wealth can not offer peace.
Read Isaiah 26:3-4

We will dive deeper in this over on Facebook-  Dorothy Hill Gates  today and look at how you can obtain peace in your life.
You can also grab a copy of "Sparkle and Shine" on Amazon (or through me) and read an entire chapter devoted to-
The Quest for Peace

Until next time

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