Friday, January 17, 2020

4 KNOWS you need to know

4 knows you need to know!

In case you missed it on  #dailydevoswithdot's a recap.

When chasing down a big goal, following a God sized dream, or answering the call to a HEAVENLY vision. You need to know4 simple truths!

1. Know your what!
Know your vision
Be specific about your goal. Know exactly what it is that you want to do!

*You want to write a book? awesome!! What kind? Children's, fiction, non-fiction, mystery...

*you want to loose some weight? Great!
How much?

*you want to start a new ministry? Wonderful! What kind?

*you want to save money? Fabulous!
How much?

Know what you want to do! Know the details! It will help you determine #2.

2. Know the how!
Know the steps needed.
How do you need to get there? What steps do you need to take. You may not know all the answers but work on knowing your first step. .

3. Know the who!
Know your person.
Know the person who will help you get there. Find someone who is already doing what you want to do is where you want to be!
Read their books, follow them on social media,  take their advice, emulate their habits. And for goodness sake...dont be afraid to Ask them for help!

4. Know the when
When are you going to make time to do this. It want just accidentally happen. You must intentionally make time for this new thing! You have to do it on purpose!

Know the process.
Go into this knowing the process will take longer than you want it to take, and will be harder than you want it to be. But trust the process. Dont get caught up in the results. They will let you down. And this leads into another bonus point.

*bonus* bonus*
Know your why.
Why are you doing this? Thats really what it all boils down to! Is it just a passing dream or is it a calling from God. Is it cause someone else is doing it, and it seems fun? Or Is this something you know you were destined to do.  Honey- child, if so.. step into that destiny and be who God created you to be. Knowing your WHY will keep you going when NOTHING else will. Why is this so important to you?

I pray these are a blessing 😘

You can follow #dailydevoswithdot on
IG- @dorothyhgates or
YouTube-  Daily Dose with Dot

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